As a budding witch in today's age, I've chosen to be as non-magickal from the outside but I will be as magickal as I choose while at home or in the company of people who I have told about being a witch.
I have an altar table with incense, a cat figurine, candles, my altar cloth and my Rose Quartz crystal rune stones. This is my first altar that I set up for Imbolc/Candlemas. As my first altar, I am a little proud of it.
The altar cloth has a pentacle on it which is a magickal symbol. It symbolises the God or Goddess as well as the five elements used in the craft: the top point represents the spirit, while the other four represent earth, air, fire and water. These five things are believed to be the five things needed to sustain life.
I used the four tealights in a ritual specifically for Imbolc, which is the midway point between the Winter Solstice in December and the Spring Equinox in March. Lighting candles is symbolic of welcoming back the Sun and light.
I also have 4 notebooks plus two other books that I'm using to help with becoming the best witch that I can be. Strangely, all four of my notebooks have a Harry Potter theme (I've had a thing for magic for years and only just realised that I am a witch recently).
The Apprentice Witch's Spellbook I found in a shop in my town centre at New Year. I've read through it and there are a few things I would like to try – like the memory spell (I currently have memory problems and would love a bit of magickal help).
I've been using the Book of English Magic as a reference book rather than as a spellbook. It has some interesting chapters in it that I hope will be useful in my journey.
I use a set of Rose Quartz rune stones for my divination (which I'm working on), birth charts (I'll explain about this in another post), and my rune spells (although so far I've only done one spell). I was given them many years ago but I've only started using them recently.
I have taken up meditation to help with my ability to focus on things better and also to help me to stay calm. I've got an app on my phone to help me with this.
I'm also using incense to help with cleansing my sacred space and also to help with my meditation. Cleansing helps to be free of other stuff to better ensure that your spells or meditation is successful - at least it does if you practice the craft.
I'm still learning about the craft and there's plenty I still don't know but feel free to check my posts to see if there's anything you're interested in. Also if there's something you'd like me to try (stuff that won't harm anyone at least), let me know and I'll put a post up about.
This is my short introduction to my journey as a goodwitch, so thank you for joining me.
Blessed be!!