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Super New Moon in Pisces 2023

Writer's picture: AmethystRunewitchAmethystRunewitch

When I wrote this, it was Pisces season and with it came the New Moon, but this wasn't just a "normal" New Moon - no, it's been supercharged and is the second Super New Moon in a row this year! Thankfully the next New Moon isn't a Supermoon but the one after it is a Solar Eclipse and it'll be in the same sign, so there's a lot of high energy and emotions around.

Looking back on the last couple of zodiac seasons, the energy of them was very much as follows: Capricorn season was all about getting things done, while Aquarius season was all about having a rest and just being. Both of these are really resonant around what I've been doing within my Craft but also in my mundane life and they definitely describe how I was feeling during them.

Pisces is all about dreams and desires, and noticing where the collective energy is as well as my own. It's all about going internal and within, having a pause before taking action. I've definitely started this season off with ideas and planning for the future so that I can actually make my dreams manifest and real within my life.

I actually attended two different rituals for this, one with Karena at The Witch's Inn and the other with Emily at Wise Woman Witchery. Both worked together to give plenty of insight and wisdom for the next lunar cycle. I don't normally do two rituals for one event, so this was really interesting to experience.

With Emily's ritual, it was amazing (as always) and consisted of a meditation journey to use visualisation to scry answers to three questions. There was an option to pull cards after the meditation and I did choose to pull cards to clarify the visions I received during the meditation. My queries were:

  1. Do I add a shop to my blog?

  2. Do I offer some kind of "healing" sessions as part of the shop?

  3. Should I find a way to do a particular "Self-Mastery" course?

The meditation started with me in a place where there were small hills around with a stream gently curving its way through the vista. As I slowly made my way closer to the stream, it became apparent that it wasn't actually a stream as it turned into a lake, which acted as a mirror for the clear starry sky above with the dark disc of the Moon barely noticeable. This was a place to ask questions and receive answers through the scrying mirror of the water and the stars that were reflected.

When I asked my first question, the stars grew brighter and seemed to shine a little more. The water seemed to move towards me, like waves upon a beach. This felt to me like I should add a shop to this and that I have support around me to make it as successful as possible.

With my second question, the stars twinkled and seemed to shift but they didn't lost their light. I feel like this was encouraging me to shift my path from what it currently is to a more shamanistic one. This isn't the first time I've looked into shamanism so I'll definitely add this to my ever-growing topics to research.

So it came to my final question, and when I asked it, I felt pulled towards the water, almost like the stars were pulling me to just naturally shine bright like they do. With this, I feel like the course isn't necessary to my path but it could be useful. It felt almost like a warning not to get too distracted from what it is that I want to do in the future.

This was an interesting meditation and I definitely feel that I received the answers I needed, but I did want some clarification so I pulled somce cards for each question. It seems rather typical for me to receive more than one card when I do a reading on myself as I received a total of 7 cards from the Celtic Dragon Tarot deck.

For my first question, I received the Three of Wands and Judgment. With the Three of Wands, I feel like the message was confirming that the shop could be successful but I do need to spend some time planning what to offer before I make it live. It's interesting that with the two dragons depicted in this card, the scenery is at the shoreline of a beach or lake - similar to where I travelled in the meditation. With the imagery of this card showing all the elements, there was also a message that I need all elements to put my plans into motion: thought as air, emotional involvement with water, practicality with earth, and action with fire. With Judgment, I feel like the message was pointing me towards a new line of spiritual or magickal study to further my knowledge and how I can serve others. Another aspect of this card indicated that I might face an unpleasant but necessary decision and this was definitely true as I was invited to be involved in a group project. There's an element within this card's imagery that whenever change occurs, there is support and assistance at hand to make the transition as easy as possible.

For my second question, I only received one card which was the King of Wands.

With this card, I feel like the message was that I needed to be ambitious and be the leader I wish to see in the world. But the caution is that I shouldn't confuse haste with speed, ambition with ego, or I could end up in a difficult situation. I have grown comfortable with what I have achieved in my life so far but this doesn't mean that I can't achieve more if I pay attention to the signs and listen to the messages my guides (and my personal dragon). But also, just because I am comfortable with where I am in my life, I still need to venture out of my comfort zone if I really want to grow anything (literally, spiritually or metaphorically!).

For my third question, I received four cards!! They were: the Three of Swords, High Priest, Justice, and the Ace of Wands. With the Three of Swords, I feel like the message is that while this course could help me to unlearn certain beliefs and behavioural patterns, I am already on the path of destruction and regeneration, death and rebirth. The presence of the knot in the imagery of this card really struck me with the sense that progress could be hindered if I chose to do this course in the near future. With the High Priest, I feel like I was being told to abide by the limitations of my present situation or I wouldn't be able to easily progress along my path. I have to rely on my own intuition and spiritual connections and knowledge, while also learning from others but not relying on others for the knowledge that is already at my fingertips. Another message that came with the High Priest is that I can't follow other people for the rest of my life so I have to strike out and be a leader myself. With Justice, I feel like the message is that I need to be logical and deal with facts if I truly want to move forward with my life. If I really want to do this course, I would have to face huge challenges but I have to come back to the pure facts and see whether it is something that I can actually do. With the Ace of Wands, I feel like the message is that new things are hatching for me and I need to decide what it is that I want to do. It may not yet be the right time for me to do this course, or it may not be necessary for me to do it in the future. I have to break free of the restrictions of old cycles within my life and expose myself to new experiences that fit with where I want my path to go.

I hope this inspires you to think about what it is that you dream of achieving and how you can use this particular lunar cycle to make your dreams real and manifest. Allow your dreams to take flight and see where they take you!

Peace and love to all!!!!

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