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Spirit Scribbling 2024

Writer's picture: AmethystRunewitchAmethystRunewitch

Back in October 2022, I attended the 3rd Annual Season of the Witch Virtual Conference and one of the workshops was focused on Spirit Scribbling which might be better known by the name "automatic or spirit writing".

Not everyone will be comfortable with this practice however, and I know people who are against opening themselves up to spirit entities. I can agree with this view but I personally believe that as long as you have the right kind of protection in place, it can be done with no negative experiences resulting from the connection - think of the stigma that surrounds the use of a Ouijia board and that's the kind of fear/superstition I mean.

Spirit scribbling isn't like possession because in the method I was taught, we only give permission for our hands to be moved/used; possession is where we lose complete control of our bodies (and even minds). So this methodcan be used to connect with guiding spirits, whether we already know and have a relationship with them or we are connecting with someone/thing new.

Spirit Writing is similar to automatic writing and is a long-known tradition within many different cultures around the world, so it's your choice whether you want to make use of it as you walk your path. For example, in the Song dynasty (960-1279AD), mediums would receive written messages from deities and spirits through trance writing. This tradition can also be found in Japan.

But it's not just the Far East that has this tradition because in 1600s England, John Dee, mathematician and astrologer, and his assistant Edward Kelly claimed they channelled angels and through other automatic writings, Dee and Kelly deciphered Enochian, an ancient language they believed to have originated from before Babel.

Spirit Scribbling is more than just writing as sometimes the energetic connection is with a more artistic entity. Energy is important because the entity we connect with has a higher energetic vibration to us, particularly when we're awake/conscious. Dreams can be a way for Spirit to connect with us because we aren't so focused on our daily lives and so our energy isn't weighed down by these external distractions.

I learned all this and more from Melissa St Hilaire back then and so when I found out she was having a book published AND she was hosting a separate Spirit Scribbling workshop, I just had to revisit this amazing method and mentor.

Looking back at my memories (and my notes) from my first experience with Spirit Scribbling, I remember lots of feelings. Not just emotions but feeling like I was moving, specifically dancing, while I was sitting still. The dancing that I felt myself performing was similar to that of Esmerelda in Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. I was reminded of the Weaver of Spells card in the Forest of Enchantment Tarot deck by Lunaea Weatherstone and Meraylah Allwood because the woman shown is dancing freely. I have been told that I do have Gypsy ancestors but I don't know which tradition so I say Gypsy with nothing but respect for the traditions as a whole.

I also had a connection with my mum and this was really special for me because I don't have any memories of her where she's not a shadow person. She appeared to let me know she is helping to protect me in as much as she can, but also to say that she was proud of me. She also gave me hope that I could keep going at that point in my life. What was really interesting was that Melissa felt my mum around me as a fierce masculine energy with the whole protection focus and she didn't know that my mum was exactly that, that she would fight for me in spirit as she had while she lived.

When I attended this separate workshop, Melissa went over the history (despite some technological issues) and then did the meditation and exercise. This was really interesting doing it for a second time as I didn't connect with the same guides as I did the first time. I'm not entirely sure who or what I connectedwith but at the very least, it has awoken my ever-present curiosity.

At the end of the workshop, Melissa gave everyone a chance to share their experience and while I waited patiently for my turn, I looked at what I had "scribbled" and made notes based on what I remembered feeling or thinking at the time. The safe place mentioned is the place I went to before dropping into the spirit realm to connect. Some of my notes came from the observations of other attendees, and I will definitely be exploring these ideas to see which, if any, fit it energetically.

First, I explored the arrow connection. But it wasn't a directional "go this way" kind of arrow, as it was more of a Robin Hood archer kind of arrow. I wasn't sure if this was a "take aim at the target and fire/release" message or if there was a different message from the arrow. When I showed my scribbling with Melissa, she mentioned that it could be associated with one of many deities that have an arrow as one of their symbols but my mind went straight to the Artemis/Diana duo because I've always been interested in getting to know Her and working with Her. The twin brother of Artemis/Diana is also connected to arrows, while His are rays of the sun and Hers are moondbeams. Eros and Cupid are also deities associated with arrows, but theirs are arrows of love or hatred.

When I dived further into Arrow symbolism, I discovered that it's message may not necessarily be that I need to take aim at a goal and release my energy to achieve it. Instead, the Arrow is connected to giving or receiving guidance, as well as moving forward with purpose. The Arrow can indicate a direction but with less of a "go this way" and more of a "the target's this way" feeling. It's also connected to personal strength and power, likely through how strong a person had to be to wield a bow and arrow in centuries past who had to have the ability to overcome adversity and hone their chosen talent.

I was intrigued to learn that the Arrow is a symbol of union; of the masculine principle of lightning, power, virility and war connecting with the feminine heart to symbolise the divine marriage or union of them, and the resulting awakening of the universe's mystic centre.

But the thing that surprised me most about the Arrow is that according to my research and the beliefs of Native Americans, the Arrow is associated with nourishment through the act of hunting for food, clothing, tools and weapons. This was surprising because I was also working on a post about nourishment. Apparently, the sight of a single arrow signifies protection, particularly with warding off evil, and defense.

One of the other attendees mentioned that they saw an Arrowhead within this section so I went ahead and dived a bit further down this research rabbit-hole. The Arrowhead is associated with strength and protection, purpose and direction, flight and integrity, confidence and precision, heroism and accomplishment, as well as luck and prosperity.

I like to work with herbs, especially in my spells (and teas) but Arrowroot is one that, at the time of the workshop, I didn't have. But I like the sound of this herb and its associations, among which is unification or the bringing together of things or people, or even energies/ingredients in spells. Arrowroot is also associated with healing (as it used to be used to treat poisoned arrow wounds), especially through letting go, allowing others space to lead, but particularly emotional healing where someone has been feeling inadequate through wounds sustained through neglect and/or abuse.

What I didn't know was that Arrowroot is associated with the Goddess, the full moon, freedom and hope. That through the lunar connection, further associations are illumination, innocence, and purity. Arrowroot is a herb that would be useful if you wanted to release burdensome inhibitions - this is one of many reasons why I wanted to add it to my herbal collection.

With all of that, I'm excited to work with this entity who connected with me but also to learn what my scribbling means. I don't mind which deity is trying to get my attention, or even if it's someone I haven't encountered yet. Either way, I'm sure the next few months will be interesting and full of new experiences as I'm hoping to make this a more regular practice.

If you'd like to connect with Melissa, she's on instagram, and facebook - and likely other socials but these are the main ones I use. Melissa has also written a book called 30 Real Signs from the Afterlife: Recognizing and Understanding Messages from Lost Loved Ones, which is available from most bookshops (Amazon definitely in the UK). I hope you get the chance to work with her as she is amazing!!!!

I hope I've inspired you to consider other (or different) ways of connecting to Spirit and receiving messages, even if they might just appear to be nonsense or doodles. You never know what messages you receive or who connects with you.

Peace and love to all!!!!

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