Traditionally, the witch's new year is celebrated at Samhain but we can't ignore the calendar year that we all follow in our "mundane" lives. With this in mind, I participated in a "Prophecy and Dream" workshop run by the lovely Emily at Wise Woman Witchery for the members of her Diving Deeper membership space where we all pulled cards for our own personal "year ahead" reading.
This workshop was focused upon looking ahead at what energy each month of 2022 is likely to hold while also receiving guidance on any obstacles or resources that would be available that month as well. I'll look back on these cards and reflect on their messages during the year so they are broken up and don't make for an essay of a post in 12 months because there were 24 cards relating to the months (2 for each month) as well as 2 for the general theme of 2022.
But we also looked back on 2021 and this is what I'm going to focus on today. Reflection is one of the themes of the current season so I think it is relevant to do this now.
I rarely do readings for myself so this was quite an interesting time and it was also the reason why I used my favourite tarot deck which is the Forest of Enchantment tarot deck by Lunaea Weatherstone and Meraylah Allwood. This deck is filled with imagery from fairy tales and stories, like the 12 dancing princesses, the animals of Farthing Wood, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and Watership Down to name but a few. These connections to the stories that many of us know and grew up with is what helped me to connect and use this deck, but it also made it easier for me to intuitively discern the messages within the images.
The first card I pulled was to represent how I am currently and this wasn't a card that I pulled while shuffling as this was supposed to be chosen specifically to represent me. I picked The Hermit because I am very comfortable spending my time alone, doing things that make me happy and learning about topics that I want to learn about. In the last two years, I have been able to take control of my life back by living like a hermit and this is something that I will never regret doing. Being a hermit has allowed me the time and space to get my life and home in order in such a way that my home truly feels like my personal sacred and magickal space.
The second card was about the gifts that I am taking from 2021 into 2022. It was the Weaver of Boons and this re-confirmed the Hermit card. The Weaver of Boons is very much about being homely, and my home is now as comfortable as I am currently able to make it. As I said above, it is more organised (everything has its own place, thanks to my Virgo Rising). This card depicts a faery standing barefoot in the garden, holding a bag of plants and herbs to be given as a gift. Thanks to finally organising my magickal areas (deity and kitchen altars), I now feel that I am in a place where I can more easily get grounded and learn from plants. I have also managed to keep a small plant alive that sits on my kitchen windowsill which has helped me to feel that 2022 will be the year that I am able to start a small witch's garden on my balcony.
The third card was about the lessons that I will be taking from 2021, which was the Weaver of Spells. This card was saying that I have managed to find my own rhythm to dance to in my life. I have also learned how to shine my light out into the world (possibly through these posts and documenting my own magickal journey). I have learned to leave people behind who want me to dance to their tune, dim my light because it is too bright or who want to tell me how I should be, dress or what action I should take. I have learned to be true to myself and discovered the power that this has given to me. This was a really powerful card and is one of my favourites in this deck because of how it promotes being individual and true to oneself. While talking with my closest friend about the last year, she happened to mention that she feels like 2021 taught me that I can prove to myself that I can do things for myself. I don't have to prove to anyone that I can do something and I feel like this is part of this card's message too. I can do anything if I set my mind to it and in that way, I can shine my own light under my own power.
With both of the gifts and lessons cards being Weavers, I think there was also a message to weave my own story as well as my own magick. I feel that this is important because we all have our own stories to weave into the fabric of the present moment. To quote the guidebook that comes with this tarot deck: "They are the initiating spark, the muse, the catalyst, the push out of the door that leads to glory. Weavers can bring forth positive qualities in others, whether through nurturing or by the judicious application of tough love. They are all witches, each a maker of magic in her own way. Unlike the child and seeker cards, the weavers are full-time forest dwellers and represent a more mature understanding of its enchantments." This is what I was trying to do in 2021 to carry through into 2022 so I will take this as confirmation that while I have learned a lot about my Craft and myself, I still have plenty of learning ahead of me that I can weave into my path.
The fourth card was about the resources or obstacles that were present for me at the time of doing this reading. I pulled The Oldest One for this and I think it was referring to the resources available to me because it's all about learning from those who have more experience and/or knowledge than me. I have struggled to put down roots to allow myself to grow, so I do feel that both aspects of the question were brought into my consciousness with this card. As an adult, I have struggled to live longer than 2 years at a single address but where I am living now, I truly feel like it is home and I have said this to my closest friend many times since I moved into the area. I finally feel like I can root myself where I live while growing within myself and various areas of my life.
Obviously these four cards were about reflecting on myself and 2021 and because of the start of the new calendar year, I'd like to mention the two cards that I pulled regarding the general theme(s) of 2022. I originally only pulled one card but I didn't feel like I understood the message of it without a second card to clarify so, for the first time ever, I pulled another card.
So the first card was the Three of Spells. This card is all about sending my energy, wishes and spells out into the universe or to the Divine Source, who would then help me to manifest them into my reality. I think this card confused me at first because I couldn't see how this could possibly be a theme. With any spellwork I do, I always leaave it up to the Divine to decide how the result is brought to me while still trying to take the necessary steps to help the Divine in my own way. The keyword I took from this is "manifest".
The clarifying card that I pulled was the Four of Visions which is all about shifting your perspective from what you think you don't have so that you can truly see what you do have. It's message was about being grateful to be able to see the natural wonders and beauty that surround me at all times. I can disregard the idea that I am not enough, or that I don't have enough, and be grateful of what I do have, and this is what led me to "gratitude" as a keyword for this card.
By combining these two cards, I truly feel that the message is that I can manifest my goals, dreams and desires through the power of gratitude of what I already have. I can only invite more of the same energy that I focus on, so that is my year-long intention.
I hope this inspires you to do something similar so that you can evaluate where you are at currently, what lessons and gifts you can take from last year, what resources/obstacles are present that you can learn from to make the most out of this year, and what the general theme 2022 has for you.
Peace and love to all!!!!