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Saturn Retrograde 2024

Writer's picture: AmethystRunewitchAmethystRunewitch

Saturn is next to go retrograde and this will be quite an experience. This planet is all about lessons, as well as what restricts and/or limits us. Saturn will be retrograde between 29th June and 15th November in the sign of Pisces.

As I've mentioned, Saturn is about what restricts us, what limits us. It's about what lessons we still need to learn about these restrictions and limitations. But it's also about self-discipline; can we be restrictive and focus on that one task?

With Saturn having themes of restriction, it's time to add in the energy of Pisces because this is the sign that Saturn will be moving through this time. Pisces is a water sign, but more importantly, it's the last sign of the zodiac so Saturn will be starting a whole new cycle as of May 2025 when it moves into Aries. However, the effects of the 2024 retrograde may be felt for longer because Saturn isn't done with Pisces energy just yet as it'll revisit Pisces for part of its retrograde in 2025.

But how will the Pisces energy impact this year's retrograde? Well, Saturn is all about restriction so Pisces will likely bring up the emotions and emotional events from the past that need to be dealt with before we can move into a whole new Saturnian cycle. This is likely to be quite a roller-coaster but there's nothing to say that we can't come out of this.

So with Saturn going retrograde in Pisces, it's important that we consider all of the emotional burdens that we carry which are restricting how much inner growth is possible. We are nearing the end of this particular Saturn cycle but there's still emotional work to be done so that we can move into the next 29 years (the length of Saturn's orbit) without these emotions and traumas holding us back.

As is now my habit, I did a personal reading around how this Saturn retrograde will impact my life. I used a spread by moonmamaoracle as inspiration so feel free to have a look online for a spread you might use yourself. The deck I used is Movie Tarot by Diana McMahon Collis and illustrated by Natalie Foss.

What is the main theme of this Saturn retrograde for me?

The Fool

With this card, I feel like the message is that this will be a whole new start for me. I just need to be able to believe and trust in the process. I don't know what the future holds, nor do I know how this retrograde will affect others on this planet. I like how this card is Forrest Gump as he just did things without knowing where he would end up and so he truly embodies the energy of The Fool.

So I feel like this card is saying that I need a new start but I have to just trust the process and take a leap of faith into it.

Looking at the card, Forrest is running towards me but where he's come from isn't visible so I feel like this retrograde will be about leaving the past behind me and leaving it there so it no longer restricts me.

What should I focus on to help me through this retrograde?

Queen of Coins, Queen of Wands, Eight of Wands

This is rather an interesting trio of cards for this but I'm going to split them in two ways: there are two cards with Queen energy, and two cards with Wands energy.

With the double Queen energy, I feel like the message is that I need to focus on being focused and nurturing. It's about my focus and discipline around money during this time. I can go looking for it, like Lara Croft but she has focus around her eventual result. Katniss Everdeen has a focus: protecting her family and then standing up for who she is (as well as the country). But Katniss has another focus because she had to be disciplined with learning archery and then keeping that skill active.

With the double Wand energy, I feel like the message is that I need to focus on where my inspiration comes from, to think about what inspires me. But it's also about how I value saving money, being economical while keeping up with the progress I want to make in my life. I need to focus on my ultimate goal and then be practical about how to get there. I'm the one in charge of this part of my life but at the same time, I can't be too stubborn with how to achieve my goal.

What is the major lesson that I'll be learning?

Temperance, Three of Coins

I feel like these cards are saying that the lesson I will face will be around maintaining a balanced life as well as attempting to make slow and steady progress forward. This definitely feels more like Temperance energy. I feel like Red from Shawshank Redemption is a good representation of this card because he knows he can't take huge leaps forward in his life while locked up so he has to bide his time and make progress when he can (with the parole board).

With the energy of the Three of Coins being added in, I feel like this adds to the slow and steady part with putting in the necessary hard work to achieve my desires. With hard work comes mastery of the skills that I have and want to nurture. But I have to earn my desires and put in the needed time and effort.

What am I revisiting during this Saturn retrograde?

The World, King of Coins

I think that The World is indicating that I will be revisiting the achievements that I have made all through my life. But I think these achievements will be less material and more spiritual. This is the card that bridges the gap between the physical world and the Otherworld, the world of spirit. So perhaps this will be the time when I look back at who I was when I started walking this path and realise the growth that has happened since then.

With the King of Coins, I feel like I will be revisiting how to master my skills while also being brave and successful. This doesn't mean that I forget about my imperfections because I can always work towards improving them. But there is an element of playfulness here. I can be serious but there are times when not being serious is needed. The versio of Wonka that is shown in this card knew that fun was needed in life but strayed into madness because he didn't take life seriously when he should have done (like with what happened to the other four children).

What will I have learned after this retrograde?

Ten of Coins

With this card, I feel like it's saying that I will have learned how to successfully leave the past behind so that I can focus on the future.

I feel like this card is indicating that I will be having an impact on future generations just by changing my mentality. I'll be healing the past as well as the future so that will give a sense of peace to both ancestors and descendants.

This card is giving me the feeling of looking down on a large water feature that has 2 sets of five columns with lily pads all around them. The lily pads really drew my attention and they symbolise pleasure, celebration, hope, rebirth, and peace, among other things. This seems to fit with the theme of this retrograde.

With this reading, and these cards, I feel like I have an understanding of what I could do if I would only put my mind to it. I know that I can work on all of this but at least I am now forewarned so I am fore-armed about working on my Self. I know I have emotional burdens that are continuing to inform my life.

I hope this inspires you with how you can look towards the future and start to make the necessary changes to improve what is still to come.

Peace and love to all!!!!

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