It's time to start thinking about what is coming next in the Lunar cycle that keeps turning and that means considering the Full Moon in Sagittarius on Friday 23rd May 2024. This is the Full Moon so it's happening while the Sun is in the opposite sign of Gemini, which the Sun entered today (Monday 20th May).
So what energies does this lunar event bring to our attention? First, it's the Full Moon (I know I keep saying this) which means that the intentions we set at the New Moon could be reviewed, and the intentions we set during the Sagittarius New Moon six months ago could also be reviewed. I like to include both because they are both relevant as the Lunar Calendar is yearly and isn't just monthly.
The sign of Sagittarius is all about moving forward, aiming forcertain goals/targets (figuratively and literally), and general expansion in a direction that is soul-led. It can also be about what is acting as an obstacle from achieving our targets, or even what our motivation is - the why behind our targets.
So combining these two energies means that this Lunar event is perfect for reviewing our targets/goals, why these are our goals and whether they even should be our long- or short-term goals, seeing what progress we've made towards these goals.
But there is a third energy that needs to be added into the mix: Gemini! The Sagittarius Full Moon always occurs during the season of Gemini so this should be considered too. Gemini brings themes of finding truth, constant questions and making changes to avoid feeling stifled.
To help more people with these energies, I did a collective reading for this Full Moon in Sagittarius. I used the Good Tarot deck by Colette Baron-Reid and created a spread to use.
What lessons do we need to reflect on from the last fortnight to six months?
3 of Air, 9 of Earth
With the 3 of Air, I feel like we need to reflect on the times when we lost motivation. The moment when we turned away from our goals is important for this because something happened that made us no longer want to achieve that particular goal. Or perhaps we need to consider whether we truly believe that we are worthy of achieving the life we desire. Something may have happened in our past that means we struggle with this but it doesn't have to mean that we are chained to it for the rest of our lives.
With the 9 of Earth, we need to reflect on what abundance means to us, but also how that can be achieved. We can lead and live abundant lives but that comes with a price-tag of hard work, time and effort. Are we truly willing to put in the work for as long as necessary to achieve our desires? When we have the seed of an idea planted, can we then nurture and care for it so that it can bear fruit in the future? Do we have the patience to wait for that fruit? These are the kinds of questions we should be asking ourselves and learning from so that we can live truly abundant lives as well as assist others to find their own desires.
What dreams should we celebrate achieving?
Messenger, Queen and King of Air
With the Messenger of Air, we need to celebrate those dreams that literally lift our moods and our souls. By celebrating, we share the joy we feel and this activates the Law of Attraction to bring even more of the same kind of joy to us. Any dreams that bring us mental peace should be celebrated, the kind where the world is just right and nothing upsets that peace at all.
With the Queen of Air, we need to celebrate when we share our ideas with the world, when they take flight and become something even more than we ever thought they could. Our dreams are like eggs that need nurturing, the freedom to grow, to become real and then mature like the adult Owl on this Queen's shoulder. We should also celebrate being open to different ideas and co-creating with others, whether human, deity or animal.
With the King of Air, we need to celebrate when we direct our will-power so that we can achieve our dreams. Directing our will-power always comes with the responsibility to defend our dreams, especially from those who have no faith in us or our dreams. Knowing that we can achieve our dreams without the assistance of others is powerful and can even help us to believe in ourselves, showing us how strong and convicted we really are. When we truly know what our dreams are, then we can direct our will-power to make them real and tangible.
What should we let go of that is holding us back?
With this card, we're being told to let go of our concept of time. The Universe, God, Goddess, whatever deity you follow - none of them work to our schedule or the schedule we want to have. They all have their own timeframe for things to happen but nothing we do will influence them. Sometimes we have to feel like we are turning away from our desires but really, we will always be guided through all of the lessons that we need to learn in order to make the most out of achieving our desires. But this requires patience because there is no set time that we all learn these lessons - indeed, some of us will be so far in denial, lessons are not learned.
What should we collectively aim for in the next 2 weeks to 6 months?
8 of Air
With this card, we should collectively be looking at goals that benefit the wider community. Being objective or detached is all well and good but these goals need to make us feel some kind of passion towards the end result. Whether the goal is connected to our local community or the wider world is not important; the important thing is that we should care for those around us (animal, human and plant). As our feather ideas fall down, they will land with others who think and feel the same way so that more people join in and our impact can be felt in a much bigger way. This will also allow for more creative methods to achieve the end goal.
How can we aim to fulfil our full potential and soul's calling?
Messenger of Earth
With this card, we can aim to achieve our full potential by getting closer to the Earth. The Universe, the Divine, God, Goddess, whatever deity - is always sending us signs and messages through the natural world around us but most of the time we don't pay attention because our modern life and technology get in the way. These signs can be anything, from a Ladybug to a Spider, a Pansy to a Rose, or a Hawk to a Sparrow. At the same time, we can fulfil our soul's calling by paying attention to what feels right to us, what lights up our hearts. These feelings will always guide us to the path we need to walk to fulfil our full potential which we may not even realise.
I don't know about you but that seems to be quite a whack from the Otherworld!! No matter who or what you believe in (and even if you don't), relax into the knowing that we will always be guided to the path we need to walk. Releasing our need for control is truly freeing but it can take some getting used to (trust me, I know how difficult this can be!).
So take heart that over the next six months, we'll be given opportunities to learn these lessons. I say opportunities because we will always have the choice of whether we are willing to be taught or not, but I do want to stress that neither choice will be wrong as sometimes we may not feel ready to start the process and that's okay. We'll be offered these opportunities again throughout our lives.
Don't let this Full Moon in Sagittarius make you feel disheartened - instead let it challenge and motivate you to look through all your goals and review how much you really want to achieve them.
I hope this has been helpful and if you'd like more information about ideas for spells you could do for the Full Moon, check out my Lunar Look-Ahead for May video.
Peace and love to all!!!!