So this is going to be the story of how I worked to strengthen and build up my Sacral Chakra. This was one of my own chakras that was blocked so it definitely needed working on. As shown in the image above, it sits just above the Root Chakra. The Sanskrit name for the Sacral Chakra is Svadhisthana which translates to "my own secret abode".
As always, there are crystals you can use to help you work with the Sacral Chakra and these include: Tiger's Eye, Rutilated Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl/Abalone, Carnelian, Rock Crystal, and Labradorite. Again, you can choose to work with just one crystal at a time if you only have one or two of them. Tiger's Eye and Labradorite are among my favourites and I usually have one of them close by at all times.
There are also herbs that you can use to work on strengthening this chakra. They include: Hibiscus, Cinnamon, Calendula, Gardenia, Raspberry leaf, Ginger, Licorice, Mint, Saffron, Bay leaf, and Ylang Ylang. Recently, I have found myself drinking more teas that contain Ginger, Cinnamon and Hibiscus, so I think I'm on the right track to build the energy of my Sacral Chakra up.
It seems that without realising it, I have been working on my Sacral Chakra! I say this because in my research, I discovered that this Chakra is associated with appetite for food and pleasure. My relationship with food has indeed changed and I am no longer stuffing myself so full that I need to rest before I do anything after eating. Instead, I'm eating smaller meals spread throughout the day. By over-indulging with food, I was burning up vital life fuel needed by other systems in my body. However, since this has changed, I do feel a lot more balanced and able to do more during the day.
But there's been more to this exploration than just my eating habits because the Sacral Chakra is associated with knowing what is enough, whether that's food, exercise, rest, and living joyfully. It's about developing a positive outlook toward the body by respecting its need for rest, recreation, touch and expression, having a balance between work and ease, prosperity and charity.
I used to dislike the life I live and my mental health was as bad as it could be. I couldn't envision ever being happy and just enjoying life but that has changed to the point where I only vaguely recognise the person I used to be. I've learned to express my feelings and give myself the time and space to experience my emotions when I used to bottle them up because that was the only way I knew how to deal with them.
While I will admit to not being as active as I could be, it is something that I would like to add into my life as a daily habit but I'd like to make sure the other things I've been working on also become habits that I do without consciously thinking about them or needing reminders to do them. However, because of my improved relationship with food, I have noticed that I am less achey after doing my shopping or attending a medical appointment. I have more energy to do my housework and take pride in my home.
Every day I make sure to do something that I enjoy doing, whether that's cuddling with my cats, playing with them, watching a tv show or film with a friend, or reading a book because I know that I need to have some time to myself where I'm not distracted by anything else going on in my life. I don't give myself permission to enjoy myself or do something that I enjoy because I've come to realise that I deserve to enjoy myself no matter what. That I am worthy of enjoying life.
This was something that I've struggled with for years and I'm really glad that I'm finally working through this but it was really interesting that Pluto was retrograde at the time I realised the work that I've been doing on my Sacral Chakra. Pluto is the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, and evolution but during this retrograde, it moved backwards through Aquarius and into Capricorn so there were the energies of both signs mixed into this time. Aquarius is all about revolution, thinking outside the box and fresh new perspectives, while Capricorn is about responsibility, authority and consistency.
Whether I see nature through my windows or while I'm walking somewhere, I always marvel at the simple but elegant beauty of it. I love to see and hear Red Kites flying in the sky around my home as I feel like they are one of the most amazing creatures in existence. I do love my cats and I do watch them at times when they are asleep, full of wonder at their individual personalities and how peaceful they are when they're not play-fighting or chasing each other. Catching sight of a patch of daisies makes me smile to have such wondrous gorgeousness around me. I love that there is such simple but joyful pleasures surrounding me.
Something else is that I've stopped thinking I need more things around me to make me happy so now I'm contented with what I already have without feeling like I'm missing out on certain things. There are things I would like to have and do but I know that I can work towards manifesting them into my reality. I do feel like I am surrounded by abundance but it's a different kind of abundance compared to what I thought it would be: the small simple things rather than the big complicated things. I'm grateful for what I have and I don't feel like I need much more to be happy with my lot in life.
This all ties into the Sacral Chakra and its energy so I do feel like this was all meant to happen at this time as I worked on strengthening and understanding each Chakra individually. When I read through one of my books on Chakras and realised that I had naturally been working on my Sacral Chakra, I was filled with a sense of peace and happiness at how easily this work had fitted into my life without me recognising it as it was happening.
I hope this inspires you to consider how you can strengthen your own Sacral Chakra with the various things I've done. It was easier than I thought it would be so it didn't feel like a chore or like something I had to do purely because I wanted to write about my experience.
Peace and love to all!!!