Following on from the Runes workshop led by Jen Untalan at the Season of the Witch virtual conference back in October 2022, I've been attending some extra classes about runes because I wanted to deepen my relationship with them. This was a four-part series and was full of information that I've really enjoyed learning. The extra classes were offered to those who attended the conference and were interested in gaining more information about the runes.
The first class was actually the "Basics of the Runes" workshop from the conference during which I learned so much about the keywords of the runes. I made a ton of notes in my Runes notebook from this class alone from the huge amount of knowledge that was made available to me.
The second class was all about the gods, goddesses and animals that can be associated with the runes. This was really interesting because I hadn't personally considered that runes could be associated with them. I knew that a couple of the runes were associated with a god or goddess, like Tiwaz is associated with the god of justice Tyr and Thurisaz with Thor, but that was about as far as my knowledge went before I attended this class. It was definitely interesting to have a deeper level of knowledge about the runes and their associations by the end of this session.
The third class was about using the runes for divination. I have dabbled in this before but I'm always open to learning more and using them more. This was really exciting because each of us pulled some runes and then had some assistance interpreting them. I actually ended up with a five rune reading which was really intriguing and definitely made me think a lot.
First, I asked: What would serve my highest good? I got Uruz for this which is heavily associated with strength, determination and second chances. I feel like this is saying that I'm either getting a second chance or I'll be giving someone else a second chance. This rune is also associated with digging deep and working hard. I have no problem with digging deep for some inner strength when I have to, and I like to work hard at the projects I am interested in.
Next, I asked: What am I missing? I got Ansuz here which is really associated with Odin and wisdom. Ansuz is also about being on a journey so maybe I was missing that I am on a journey because I can get distracted by finishing things and then moving right on to the next project. Something else that Ansuz is associated with is communication and this is something that I can struggle with, whether that's not being able to find the right words to describe what's happening or not being able to have a connection with others. I need to pay attention to the fact that this is a journey that I am on. I can't lose sight of this because I will learn so much more if I am open-minded about this journey. I feel like this rune is also saying that I can be an inspiration to others and help to show them ways forward. Sometimes it's more appropriate for me to listen more than I speak, because hospitality is important and I can hold space for others. I am a student so I should read and learn as much as I can. At the same time, I can't turn away from this work until it's finished and I can transform.
The next three runes were answering: What do I need to know? The first rune was Gebo which is all about balance and partnerships, like there has to be an equal exchange within any relationship before that relationship can reach its full potential. If there's balance, then everything should work out positively but if there isn't balance, then everything will be out of sorts. I feel like this was about my self-care and self-love practices which I have been working on this year but I do know that I still have work to do on these areas. If the inner Self is out of balance, then the outer physical Self feels the effect. Taking care of my Self should be a priority because I am in partnership with my own Self, first and foremost.
The second rune was Dagaz which is all about transformation and new beginnings. I feel like this rune is saying that I'm going to undergoing a transformation and experience some breakthroughs within my life. There's definitely a sense that there are changes afoot so that will assist with the transformation. Following on from the self-care work, I should have or experience a breakthrough and transformation within my life and my Self. I am likely to embark on a journey but I need to remember that the power of change is directed by my own Will.
The third rune was Uruz which is all about commitment and strength. If I can stay strong and commit to doing this personal work, then my hard work will pay off. I need to stay the course and my endurance will partner with my determination to show myself that I can be victorious. I feel like this rune builds on the foundations I've put in place in my life in 2022, that I can build on them but I need to persevere and have the determination to do the necessary work. This isn't something that I can shy away from and I know it's necessary so I will absolutely be doing the work and putting in the time and effort to be successful in this area.
This was really intriguing and I did ask about how long this work may last and when I might see the fruits of my labours. I was invited to pick another rune and this was Hagalaz. This rune confirmed that there was work to be done but that a regeneration and renewal would come from this work. Based on the regeneration and renewal aspect of this rune, I felt like Spring or early Summer would be the time to see the results of my hard work.
The final part of this series of workshops was all about rune sigils or Bindrunes to give them their "proper" name. I love working with runes and have my own way of creating a sigil but I love to learn new things and by the gods, I learned a lot during this last workshop. I learned two different ways of drawing with the runes but also how to write with them.
Jen mentioned that when runes are used to write with, there is usually a colon between two sentences and I used this to write the runes from my reading. I split the runes up into the three parts of the reading: Uruz and Ansuz in the first part; Gebo, Dagaz and Uruz in the second; and Hagalaz for the final bit.
The most intriguing way of drawing a bindrune was to use lines arranged like a compass - with 4 lines that cross each other in the middle. I did try this with the runes from my reading but it didn't quite feel right for me to use in any way so I played with the other option instead. This involved using a line and then arrange the runes along that line, either on one side alone or using both sides of the line. I did several versions of this until I started to feel happy with how I'd arranged them.
I ended up with several options to choose from and one of those is now held up by a magnet on a board that sits above my desk so that it can be a constant reminder of the messages I received from those runes.
So I did that little reading at the beginning of December 2022 with some help from Jen Untalan and I wanted to reflect on it after the "timeframe" had ended. What a 6 months it has been!! So much has changed for the better within myself and, as a consequence, within my life.
So I've been working on taking time for myself and saying "no" if I don't feel like I have the energy to do something. By taking time for me, I've also been watching films and shows that I enjoy watching but I've also been able to work on eating healthier meals and more regularly. Back in 2022, I would eat maybe twice a day and I would over-eat to the point of feeling sleeping and too full afterwards. But now, I'm eating three meals a day, drinking plenty of water and I'm able to make my monthly food shopping last me longer than before. Being more mindful of how much I eat and the relationship I have with food is becoming much easier for me. I think I've developed a habit subconsciously that has led to me setting intentions when I put anything into my shopping cart and what I will cook with it.
My sleep has improved, because I stood up for myself and believed in what I was trying to do for my physical health. By regulating my sleeping pattern, I feel more able to get things done during the day. An example of this is that I have organised my magickal shelves that have all my herbs and things to make potions with (apart from those I drink as I keep those in a separate place) but rather than this feeling like a chore or something I had to do, it was something I actually wanted to do.
I feel like this is a natural progression to 2022 for me because it seems to have followed on from what I was doing within my home. I think I needed to organise my home and space before I could think about doing the same to my eating habits and even then, that seems to have happened without conscious thought behind it.
While I said that I've been doing more about my self-care practices, there's also an element of just looking after myself, especially with the heat that has made itself at home in the UK. I'm drinking more water to keep dehydration at bay but I'm also thinking about ways I can make sure that I don't have a worse time of things while it is so warm. If I can't do something because of the heat, I make sure to let my friends know but I still do what I can to be there for them.
Within the reading I did back in December 2022, it was mentioned that a breakthrough and transformation was coming and I feel like that has happened. The former came when I realised that the latter had naturally been happening in my life as I went along. I was open to it and I am committed to making these things real habits that I don't forget in the future. While this has mainly been focused on my physical Self, I do feel as if I have been neglecting it for too long and it was timely to address the imbalance, to re-enter into a partnership with myself but also with food. I've been determined in the past to change my eating habits but I think the main reason my past endeavours were unsuccessful was because I wasn't willing to put in the hard work to make them so.
In reality, I think the breakthrough came but it wasn't right at the beginning of this journey as the catalyst of it and I've only recently made the connection between this natural journey and love. I have a greater love for myself and others, and I am now able to care for plants (or the natural world) without forgetting about them and wanting to do more. I've actually discovered more plants that I can use in my own magickal practice that grow in my local area so I'm growing even closer to the natural world.
Looking back at the notes I made when I did that reading, I am rather surprised that I had a reminder that this was always meant to be a journey. That I would learn more if I could be open to this knowledge. I say surprised because I do feel as if this has been a very natural journey that I've started and it wasn't until I read the reminder that I realised what it was. I have't fought any aspect of what has happened, instead I've accepted and welcomed what has come up for me.
I know that each step forward that I can take is a step in the right direction and will lead me to feeling happier and more comfortable within myself. That being said, I hope this inspires you to explore what the runes might have to say to you, or you can book a rune reading with me.
Peace and love to all!!!