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Reflecting on My Priestess Journey

Writer's picture: AmethystRunewitchAmethystRunewitch

So with Initiation being the final part of the Priestess Path, there was an opportunity to reflect on the experience of the last year. With this happening during a double retrograde - Mercury, the planet of communication, and Pluto, the planet of rebirth and transformation - it should come as no surprise that this is relevant.

There were a series of 14 questions posed to reflect on this 12 month experience, with the option to pull cards from a tarot or oracle deck to assist with answering them. So I went through and answered the questions first then pulled cards from my Triple Goddess Tarot deck.

Anyway, the reflection is about this whole journey, and what a journey it has been! A year ago, I was a solitary witch, living the hermit life and slowly working on my magickal practices. I think that I was emotionally ready to get deeper into my witchy self but at the same time, I don't think I was prepared for how deep it would get. Physically, I think I was in a semi-decent place to do this course. Mentally, I'm not so sure because I do have mental health issues and I did have a moment or two during the course where things took a bit of a nose-dive. I pulled the High Priestess card for this question, which confirms that I already had this knowledge but that I needed to sit with it and fully appreciate it before I could truly integrate it.

During this course, I discovered that I really do know the foundations of having a magickal practice, even if I don't quite practice as often as I would like. I've also discovered more about myself on many levels. I discovered that I really do need to have confidence in what I know and to stop second-guessing myself. I'm still learning to have more self-confidence in general but with the help of the Priestess Path, I think I'm on the way. For this, I pulled the 6 of Cups and the Queen of Swords. The 6 of Cups felt to me like it was saying that I have discovered the power, support and love of a coven that is less rigid in its "hierarchy", by this I mean that I didn't have to have a role if I didn't want to but there was always the option to volunteer to do something. This group made me feel like I'm not so alone and that there is still plenty to learn about magick and the world in general. I felt that the Queen of Swords was saying that I have discovered that I don't need to wear a mask and hide who or what I am from the world and that I can have that centre-stage moment in the spotlight where I stand in my power regardless of how it might be received.

During this last year, I've realised that I really can live a magickal life and it doesn't need to be elaborate rituals and doing spells that require a whole crate of items. It can just be simple rituals and spells and I can connect even easier and quicker with the Otherworld since walking this Path. I pulled the Hanged Man for this and I feel like it's saying that this whole experience has affirmed that I can sit and find a new perspective on various situations in my life, both past and present - sometimes this is all I needed to be able to move forwards along my path.

I think my biggest challenge was to give space for others to have their voice heard because I know that I can get really excited about learning new things and sometimes this overpowers others and their contributions, so I had to remember to listen just as much as I talk. I had to rein in my enthusiasm for certain things and remember that I wasn't the only one with a "right" answer or suggestion. The Queen of Cups was pulled here and I feel like this was saying that one of my challenges was to trust my intuition and allow the messages I receive to move and inspire me. Another challenge has been to find a balance within my moods and my mindset which has been rather more successful than I expected or believed possible. I have done a lot of reflecting on my past and certain events that happened and that in itself has been such a transformation of perspective.

I think I overcame these challenges - but I am also trying not to be big-headed or egotistical here so I could probably work on these aspects some more. At the very least, I am more aware of my personal challenges so that I can work on them in the future. I pulled the Wheel of Fortune here and I feel like this card is saying that for now, I've overcome them but there may be an opportunity in the future to prove that I have. Time will keep marching on so the only thing that I can influence is the present and the future because the past is now done. There have been cycles within my life and I've started to recognise these, even if I don't understand them. I feel like I've learned to adapt to change, regardless of what form that change takes.

I came up against some big shadow aspects in the past year but rather than feeling judged about them, I actually felt supported which gave me an added boost of energy to integrate and overcome them. I think I'm always going to be that "overly" enthusiastic person when it comes to group work but I will try to curb it so that it's not overpowering the voices of others. One of my bigger shadows is to be proud of who I am and where I am at in my life, because I've never really had anyone say that they are proud of my achievements. Usually I would be compared to others who were apparently more successful or "better" than me. I've learned that I don't need anyone's approval or permission to do anything in my life and that I can spend my life in the sun rather than the shadows. This was affirmed by the Sun card I pulled.

The biggest tool that I learned is that I can use what I have available to me for any given spell or ritual I would like to do. I also discovered that I can use my main vice to ground and centre myself before doing anything magickal, because I can use the elements to help me to ground in a different way. I pulled the 7 of Swords for this and at first I was confused because there's a lot of sneaky, secretive, underhand, deviousness that I associate with this card and the imagery in it. But then I realised, with the help of a friend, that it's actually about going after what it is that I want, without letting anyone or anything else influence my goals. I've had to take a long hard look at my own Shadows and this has meant that I've been able to start healing and re-integrating them into who I am now, which has meant I have had to be really honest with myself.

Through doing this course, I have learned many tools that I have tried and personalised to fit within my Craft. I had never really paid much attention to clearing my energy and grounding before doing any kind of ritual or spellwork and this has backfired on me previously where I have felt drained and sluggish afterwards. So I have learned the tools of clearing and grounding, as well as how to harness my own power. But I also learned the value of sharing this knowledge with those who may not have the same experience as me. There is a balance to be found within knowledge and experience, which I feel was reflected in the 6 of Pentacles I pulled.

I have started working with plants/herbs and the teachings they hold in their own right and this is definitely something I want to continue into the future. I want to grow the knowledge I have of calling in the direction and casting a circle before I do any spell or ritual of my own. When I particpate in the Wheel of the Year rituals, the New and Full Moon rituals, Emily always calls in the directions and casts a circle before we get to the main ritual. Another way to nourish and grow my practice is to acknowledge just how far I have already come and my achievements and to honour them. This was the message of the 9 of Cups.

Along the way, I feel like I've connected with my mum, and the energy of the Owl a lot more. Particularly the Owl, since it showed up for like two solid weeks and then a few extra days afterwards. My mum is someone that I have wanted to connect with for ages because I don't know her personally since she passed when I was young. So having this experience was really powerful for me. For this part, I pulled the Elder/King of Wands and I feel like it's saying that I've connected with my passion, my inspiration. I feel like this card is also saying that I've discovered words and communication as an ally as well.

The Owl brought a whole nother level to my healing journey, by making me look at the past with a different perspective. I also feel like I've been on a separate journey to connect deeper with the goddess, Diana, a deity I have a lot of respect and a healthy curiosity for, as well as a willingness to work much more closely with her. I feel as if along the way, I've connected with Diana but I wasn't certain at the time and I think this is definitely something I'd like to explore further. But not only have I found allies with the other Priestesses and I celebrate their influence in my life, according to the 3 of Cups.

Through doing this course, I now try to be more mindful of what is happening around me every day, by slowing myself down so that I don't rush from one thing/task/idea to the next without any rest. I also take the time to watch and listen to the antics of my cats, who are as changeable as the weather but good examples of living in the present moment. I have a new-found respect for the world of Nature around me and my recycling habits, as well as growing plants from seeds for the first time since I was a child. I have also discovered the practice of taking some time out between one project and the next according to the 10 of Wands, so this is something that I will be taking forward.

I have chosen to share my transformational journey here and I look forward to sharing the next part of my path with you all too. I am also working on the next phase of my YouTube channel - doing more than just videos of me unboxing the monthly Witch Casket subscription box I receive is what I mean. I want to do more spells and share them with other magickal beings; I want to do more things that I can write about and share my experiences through this platform. Is it bad that I feel like Ariel singing, "I want more"? But as much as I want more, I also know that there is also a need for letting others learn on their own. There is plenty of knowledge for everyone and everyone can make their craft their own. But it's only through sowing the seeds and doing the work that we can share the harvest of experience and knowledge with others. This was shown by the 7 of Pentacles I pulled here.

The final question of the reflection is: Where am I now? Honestly, I don't know but I do know that I'm not the same person I was this time last year. I've grown in knowledge, practices, and within myself - I know more about my inner workings and what does and doesn't work for me. According to the Knight of Cups, I'm ready to march quickly towards my next project if I can allow my passion to lead the way. I also pulled The Teacher which in this particular deck is the equivalent of The Hierophant in traditional tarot. With this card, I feel like I'm at a place where I can learn more from Nature, whether that's the Fae, animals, birds, or plants and trees. I also feel like I'm in a place where I can start to think about passing on my knowledge to others as well.

So this is just a fraction of what this course has taught me. While it is a 12 month, 13 lunar cycle long course, it's been such a worthwhile commitment and I'm so glad that I made it, not just for the course but for my own self. I had wanted to do this course for about a year before I had the funds available to actually do it but it was worth waiting to do. By doing this course, I've learned a lot about magick, clearing, grounding, casting and opening a circle, shadow work, divination and so much more!

I hope this inspires you to look into maybe doing this course for yourself - if you're interested, keep an eye on the Wise Woman Witchery Facebook page for more information about when the next Cohort will be starting!

Peace and love to all!!

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