Merry meet and welcome, you magickal souls!!!!
It's time to start a new series based on the cards I pulled for myself regarding the next calendar year. I won't be looking at each individual month as I'll be doing reviews of those on a quarterly basis. Instead, I'll be focusing on the cards I got for reviewing 2024 and the energies surrounding me as I stepped into 2025.
I used two decks this year as I wanted to experiment with mixing their energies. The decks I chose were the Celtic Dragon Tarot deck and the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle deck. The Celtic Dragon deck called to me forthis and I have a particular love of Dragons so it felt right to use. The Animal Spirit deck was gifted to me and I felt that the cards would be useful, especially when it comes to the energies of each month so these don't feature just yet.
First, I chose the card that I felt most represented myself as I stood at the crossroads between the two years.
I felt that The Wheel, which is this deck's version of the Wheel of Fortune, was best because I'm trying to work alongside the cycles of the moon and year more.
The Wheel is indicative of the cycle going on, that change is the only constant present at every given moment. I'm not against change but I know that I can be resistant to it. I know that I need to be more open towards the changes brought about as the Wheel of the Year turns.
There's also an element of learning from the past while looking toward the future and living in the current moment. That as I write my own life-story, I can review what has already happened and learn from it. I am the author of my own "Grimoire of Life" so I can't let anyone else try to write it for me because my words are more powerful.
What gifts am I taking from 2024?
Knight of Pentacles
With this card, I initially got the feeling that I am currently learning but that I can continue to learn.
I also have a support system behind me that I can lean on. While only a dragon is shown within this card, I can't see if anything or anyone has joined and is standing hidden behind the dragon in solidarity with the goals, dreams and desires that are ahead of me.
There's also an element of looking forward to the future instead of focusing on the past. By looking forward, I'm leaving the events of the past behind me. I have learned from it but it no longer consumes me to the same extent.
With what looks like ruins in the centre, closer inspection reveals them to be the start of a new building, indicating that I have learned how to start over again and take this information into my future.
What lessons have I learned from 2024?
This card is an alternative to the traditional "The Devil" card but it holds the same messages.
Within this card, I felt that I had learned that things are not quite so bleak as they may appear. My habit/tendency towards overthinking or worrying too much only feeds into the negativity, and this is what I am in the process of actively changing.
As well as this, I have learned, although it might be more accurate to say that I have realised, that I can still break free of the past as opposed to being enslaved to it.
But it's not just the past that I can break free from because the Chains that have held me were other burdens/habits I had, like: believing I was always on my own; being pessimistic and/or anxious without having all the facts before me. All of these are lessons that I have learned in 2024.
What obstacles are here for me at the start of 2025?
Eight of Cups & Seven of Swords
With the Eight of Cups, I initially felt like the message was that I still need emotional cleansing, which I can honestly say is true. I do need help with understanding my emotions and dealing with them, and it is in the process of being organised. There are still things that I need to deal with before I can truly move on without them following me into my future. There was also an element of looking in the wrong place for this emotional cleansing, which I will admit is likely to refer to my independence and feeling like I need to do (almost) everything on my own because I'm either denied whatever help I'm asking for or I'm treated with bias and pre-determined judgement.
With the Seven of Swords, I felt that it was warning me against being too open with my future plans. I don't hide what I want to do from anyone and perhaps this is why I don't always achieve my desires and dreams. I put so much energy into sharing my ideas that I don't have enough left to actually build tem into something tangible. I do have a tendency to overshare and I do ignore the warning feelings from my intuition against doing it. But this is something that I want to overcome and stop doing. It will be a difficult habit to break but, based on this card, I believe that I can keep my plans secret until I feel ready to share them. The man is sneaking away in this card but it is not clear whether he is stealing or protecting what he is holding. That's why I take this card to mean that I personally need to share less.
What resources are here for me at the start of 2025?
Nine of Pentacles
With this card, I felt that it was showing me that I need to be more present. I do enjoy not stressing or worrying about what the future holds and I have worked towards this so I feel that this card is encouraging me to continue with this endeavour.
As well as this, I feel like this card is saying that Nature holds resources that I can tap into. I do want to develop deeper relationships with the natural cycles and plants, deeper than what I currently have with them anyway.
Another message that came when I initially saw this card was peace and joy. I am at peace with where I am, how I live and what I do, and I do my best to find the joy in every experience so again, I feel that this card is more encouragement.
My 2025 according to Numerology
The World
To me, this card always seems to be full of positivity. Not only that but I also feel that it has an encouraging energy.
It makes me think of the phrase: "The world is at your fingertips", which means that opportunities are present and waiting. The idea of opportunities being available is also a message I associate with this card, so perhaps 2025 will be filled with opportunities I can grab with both hands.
Another message of this card is that being in the present moment is just as important as looking towards the future with hope.
So this card is echoing, confirming and amplifying messages of other cards I pulled for this year, which is why I thought it was appropriate to share it now rather than keeping it until the end of the year. It's an added positive aspect to this initial look ahead to 2025 and review of 2024.
The Numerology aspect of working out my card for the year comes from adding all of the digits of my birthday this year. Without giving that personal information away, the sum of my birthday digits was 21. Numerology only works for a number between 1 and 21 as the Fool has the number of 0 and that's not possible as a result.
This was really interesting to just get a small inkling of what 2025 holds for me and looking back on 2024 before doing a deep dive every three months. If I'm honest, I will actually be reviewing each month's cards as the next month starts so my insights will be fresher.
I hope you've enjoyed my review and sneak peek. If you'd like to do something similar, I would recommend signing up to the Diving Deeper monthly membership run by Wise Woman Witchery to get access to the main workshop.
Peace and love to all!!!!