It's that time again when I attend a workshop run by Emily Morrison of Wise Woman Witchery to look ahead at the coming calendar year and pull cards. I choose to look through those cards in 5-6 parts throughout the year - usually once every 3 months plus the review of the previous year.
For this entire project, I used a new deck that I acquired via exchange: the Zodiac Tarot. When I saw this deck, I knew it could help me to connect astrology with Tarot and gain deeper insights into the cards but also the planets, and the zodiac signs. I love all things astrology so I thought that having this deck in my collection would help me to bring tarot together with it as I knew that the cards have astrological associations.
Anyway, this is the review of 2023 based on the cards I pulled during the workshop. But first, I should note that before I pulled the main cards and while I was just shuffling the deck, three cards flew out: the Nine of Cups, Seven of Cups, and The Star.
So the Nine of Cups is associated with Jupiter in Pisces within astrology. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and success so with it being in the watery end sign of Pisces, this focuses its energy on dreams and emotions. With the suit of Cups being associated with the element of Water, this is interesting because Pisces is a Water sign so the dreams and emotions part of the card is particularly emphasised to me. This card is usually a sign that an emotional cycle is nearing completion but it's not quite over yet as there is still some work to be done but there is the promise of reward coming very soon.
The Seven of Cups is associated with Venus in Scorpio, so another Water sign connection. However with this card, there's an element of needing to be on my guard, to be sure that I'm neither the victim of illusion or deceiving someone else. I have the choice of either of these as well as a third: to observe a situation with clarity. Yes, following my instincts is usually good but this isn't always the best course of action so sometimes I have to approach choices with some kind of logic and/or sense. I can dream and wish with a pure heart still because my true desire will point me in the right direction but my choices should be made based on sense within that.
The Star is associated with my Sun sign: Aquarius! This card is also associated with two elements: Water as Aquarius is the Water-Bearer and Air as Aquarius is actually an Air sign. Aquarius is the sign that is associated with being unique and not conforming, and it certainly does this with its dual elemental and planetary associations - Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. These dualities are not at odds, even though they might first appear to be so. Water brings the emotional and spiritual world together with the mental, lucid and innovative solutions of Air. This is actually shown within the imagery of this card as the being pours water on the earth/tree and also pouring water back into the pool. While I've mentioned that Saturn is another ruler of Aquarius, Uranus is the planetary focus of this card as it is unique and doesn't follow the movements of the other planets due to its 98 degree axis. From all of this comes the Star's traditional association with hope, the light at the end of the tunnel but it also opens the Star up to being receptive and open to nature and life.
So that's a random added extra and a little look into how this is going to go with this particular deck but now it's time to take a look at where I was when I did this workshop/reading. While there are technically 8 cards to go through, I'm only going to look at seven of them as the card representing the theme of 2024 will feature in my final post of this series. It's time to dive into the first part of the main body of the reading starting with the cards I felt represented me at the end of 2023!
It's interesting that these are the cards I felt aptly described how I felt as well as my energy at the time I did this workshop. The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, signifying the end of a cycle, the achievement of a goal, a journey being completed and this was all true as I'd just managed to finish a home project that taught me a lot along the way. This card is associated with the planet Saturn which is all about finding meaning and knowing personal limits or boundaries. But from this card, this ending of the Major Arcana, there's another beginning waiting in the wings. To me, this card is rather like the phrase: "When one door closes, another one opens."
On the other hand, The Fool is the start, the very first card of the Major Arcana so there is a new beginning following hot on the heels of The World. This card is associated with the energy of Uranus which is connected to the element of Air and the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The Fool has always been associated with starting something new but needing to trust that the way forward will appear. (Isn't this the same message as the Seven of Cups from before I even started?) Aquarius energy is tied to Uranus as the rebel so The Fool isn't following the same path as everyone else witin their world; this Fool is exploring their own personal path, knowing that not everything has to make sense and blind faith is necessary.
What gifts have I learned from 2023?
Page of Swords
With this card, I felt like it was saying that I had learned how to overcome obstacles in order to achieve my desired goals. This card isn't associated with a planet or a particular zodiac sign, instead the court cards (Page, Knight, Queen and King) are associated with the element of the suit and then an element that embodies the energy of the character. As a result of this, the Page of Swords is traditionally associated with the element of Air twice over. Personally, I don't associate the suit of Swords with Air as I feel like it's closer to the energy of Fire so couple this with the Page energy of initiative and fresh, new energy, and I associate this card with just getting stuff done. While I didn't achieve a lot on the surface, most of my successes were mental and home-related.
What lessons have I learned from 2023?
Ace of Pentacles
With this card, the association of Pentacles is just to the element of Earth so the Earth zodiac signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo are all mixed together. So with that, the Ace of Pentacles is all about stability, material possessions, and potentially all things that grow. The aces always signify the start of a new cycle so I learned to be open to new opportunities and possibilities when it came to my home and my finances. I learned how to budget better and live within my means so that I can pay off my debts. I used to bury my head and ignore these sorts of issues until they were too big but I've learned that working with my finances makes life far easier in the long-run. This then gave me the opportunity to plant other seeds in my life around boundaries, self-care, and just general growth.
What obstacles are here for me at this bridge between 2023 and 2024?
Ace of Cups
With this card, the association is to the element of Water and the water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Again, this is an Ace so it's the start of an emotional cycle that is likely to show up as challenges for me. I do struggle to show my emotions but especially to share those emotions with others. Perhaps this is where I can do the most personal growth within 2024. But then again, maybe this card is indicating that 2024 is the year for me to step out of stagnation by truly allowing flow to happen within my life. Looking at the energies of the individual signs: Cancer brings clarity, so while this may be challenging, I need to be emotionally clear; Scorpio then brings endings and rebirth from dark and magical depths; and Pisces brings deep and boundless healing. Putting them together could be quite a challenging mix but that's not to say that it isn't possible to do it.
What resources are here for me at this bridge between 2023 and 2024?
Eight of Wands & Seven of Cups
With the Eight of Wands, the astrological association is with Mercury in Sagittarius. Mercury is the planet associated with communication so coupled with Sagittarius energy, and the communicative power has been amplified. But Mercury is the messenger so has to have some connection to speed, and this implies that if I can focus on a goal, then I can reach it by clearly expressing my intentions. Either that or I'm going to be receiving a lot of important messages that will allow my life to come unstuck wherever it is stuck. Regardless, it looks like synchronicities, signs and messages will be a huge resource for me this year - and that's not a bad thing at all!
With the Seven of Cups, the astrological association is with Venus in the sign of Scorpio which indicates that there's a lot of defensive action happening around goals, desires and dreams. I can be defensive about these so perhaps this card comes as a warning that I need to be careful of how hard I defend them so that I don't lose them by holding too tightly. I have choices in front of me for what dream to defend but at the same time, I have to be aware that I may be daydreaming about which dream I could achieve.
It's always good to look back while at the same time looking forward. Learning from the past while looking to the future is always a good habit to get into. It is important to remember not to spend too long in the past so that the present doesn't become lost either.
I hope this inspires you to look back at last year while looking forward to the coming year.
Peace and love to all!!!!