Merry Meet and Welcome, you magickal souls!!!!
It's time for me to review the cards I pulled back in December 2023 for July, August and September 2024. For each month, I pulled cards while focusing on the Energy within that month and the Resources I'll have.
July Energy
The Chariot
This card indicated that this month wouldn't really have brakes; it would just gain momentum and keep going. It was during this month that I had to fight to ensure that I would be seen by the right professionals but once this was done, it seemed like my favourite sport took my attention and focus away from almost everything else as it moved swiftly towards a summer break.
The Chariot is associated with the sign of Cancer and the symbol of the Crab. The Crab is all about being defensive with the hard shell and claws because of the soft flesh hidden inside. This is an accurate representation of the energy for this month because I was needing to protect myself emotionally so that my mental health wasn't affected as much as it might have been in the past.
July Resources
Ace of Swords & 9 of Wands
With the Ace of Swords, there's an association with all three of the Air signs: Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Usually I would associate the suit of swords with the element of Fire but with this deck and the astrology connections, I can understand the original association. My sun sign is one of these three and I definitely feel that I had to lean into this part of my self. The element of Air is connected to the mind and all things mental, which tied into the fact that I had to do a lot of thinking, coming up with new ideas and solutions to issues. I definitely had to make use of my mental resources as well as asking friends for assistance.
With the 9 of Wands, there's a connection to the element of Fire which seems to be amplified by the astrological associations of this card: the Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fire sign and when the Moon is in Sagittarius, there's dramatics within intuition. But the 9 of Wands shows that I would be able to have a break from something so that I could work out what to do next so that I could achieve a goal. But where does the Moon and intuition fit in? Well, it's because I had to trust in the process and plan as much as possible so that my goals could be as precise as possible. To be fair, this is exactly what I had to do in July as I had to be defensive of what I wanted to happen but also of what could have gone wrong.
August Energy
8 of Pentacles
When I initially saw this card, I immediately thought of hard work, and working towards a harvest. It's interesting that at the beginning of August is the first of three harvest festivals (Lughnasadh) with Mabon and Samhain following.
I feel like I had to put in the time, effort and energy as I had to work on a schedule for this blog but also my YouTube channel for the rest of this year, as well as part of 2025. This felt a lot like planning but by planning, I'm essentially laying the groundwork for the future.
So there's every chance that this card is about that but it could also be about the personal difficulties I faced and had to get help for. However, there's an element of needing to focus and devotion to the future as I am still a student and therefore need to hone my skills.
August Resources
9 of Pentacles
When I pulled this card, I immediately though of nurturing, and caring for projects/relationships. There's almost an Empress-like energy here and that's possibly because of the connection to Venus and Virgo.
So with this card, I felt like I could utilise that motherly energy in any area of my life that I needed it. Just because I'm working towards something doesn't mean I have to do nothing but work towards it. I can, and should, take breaks to enjoy the journey and how far I've come. But I can also enjoy the process and make that just as fun.
The phrase: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" comes to mind. So if I do nothing but focus on what to do, I won't enjoy the process or the work.
I think this is what I learned to balance: pleasure with more serious projects.
September Energy
9 of Cups
When I pulled this card, my initial thoughts were: pride, simple personal pride, and realisation of accomplishments.
But this card is associated with Jupiter in Pisces; the planet of success and expansion in the sign of emotional depth and fullness.
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure if my initial thoughts were accurate as thismonth I did have to channel needing emotional support because I'm not whole or "full". It was an emotionally challenging month but perhaps this was the month when things would start to near the end of this particular cycle, as I journey towards healing.
Something may be about to happen but there's nothing I can really do about it, so I'm waiting happily for whatever needs to happen.
September Resources
The Star
Well, I love this card!!!! I love it because it's associated with the zodiac sign of Aquarius (which is my sun sign).
To me, this card is all about hope, that despite life being full of darkness and shadows, there are lights out there that are meant to guide us.
I had to have hope during this month that I would be able to talk to the right people or be pointed in the right direction. I had to hold onto this mentally but also emotionally. And I say both because Aquarius is associated with Air primarily, hence the mental, and also Water (as the Water-Bearer) with the emotional.
I also had to be sure that I didn't just follow a set schedule even when I wasn't able to at all (changing seasons play havoc with my natural body clock) so I had to be as unique and non-conformist as my ruling planet, Uranus.
With this particular quarter of the year, I wonder and marvel at how this time has affected me in all the various ways. From the swift energy of July through to the harvest or rest period in August and then to reviewing generally, it's been quite the experience. But what I didn't know until I was in the thick of things was the resources I had available to me: new beginnings, nurturing, and the connection between all parts of my own Self.
Now that I'm three quarters of the way through this year, it's interesting how the cards I pulled 6-9 months ago are relevant and connect to the events of the months. I like this monthly ritual of reviewing the cards I pulled before I move thoroughly into the next calendar month.
I hope this has inspired you to do something similar as it's certainly an interesting experience. If you'd like a smaller reading like this just focusing on one month at a time, my inbox and diary are open.
Peace and love to all!!!!