So after the review of 2022 and looking at 2023 generally, here's a more organised review of the cards I pulled for each month (one for the energy of that month and a second for the resources that would be available to me) which I will be doing every quarter starting with January, February and March.
For January's energy, I pulled the Five of Spears. This card aptly described what happened during the first month of 2023. I was being pulled in different directions, fighting to try to keep some kind of peace and balance in my life. I had to remember that if I'm not directly involved in a situation then I can and should easily walk away. Walking away is a form of self-preservation, picking the battles I need to fight over the unnecessary ones. I feel like this card was also showing exactly how scattered my energy was - it wasn't my own and I was always doing things for other people. I wasn't able to focus on my own self, my life or my passions and I lost sight of where I was heading. But by choosing to distance myself, and eventually remove myself from situations, I have managed to find some semblance of peace and balance which has made my life so much easier to handle. I needed to see with clarity the situations I was in, as well as the fact that I could "escape" them.
For January's resources, I pulled The Fool. I feel like this card described how it was a new year and I'd been given a new start. I also feel like this was when I started to consider a whole new path without knowing what it was. I didn't feel like there was a monster hidden in the darkness and shadows, like the dragon shown within this card, but I was definitely feeling like this was a completely new beginning for me. I had to trust in Spirit and where I was being pulled to so that I could take that leap of faith into the unknown. The unknown can be scary but I personally believe it's necessary to life. It's how we evolve as individuals but also as a wider community. Even if I didn't take that leap of faith during this month, I was at least being prepared to take it. I may not have been ready to enter the world in my new guise, but I was being prepared for it. The only things holding me back were my own self and lack of trust and faith.
For February's energy, I pulled the Two of Cups. This card is all about unity and coming together with others. It's usually the card that symbolises a happy partnership or relationship, whether professional, personal, family, friends or romance. So this was an interesting month because it's the month of Valentine's Day, which I spent practicing self-love. At the end of January, I attended a class about runes and really cemented what a reading I received was about and how I could use it moving forwards. The main theme was self-love (but more about that in another post) so I wanted to have a whole new start on my self-love practice and that's exactly what I did. I spent time looking after myself without apologising or feeling guilty about it. I learned that taking care of myself is almost the most important thing I can do. I released that guilt and just loved myself, knowing that I'm in a relationship with my own self first and foremost.
For February's resources, I pulled the Queen of Coins. This was interesting because as I was going through making self-care a daily task, I was also going through my personal budget and expenses. I was doing this because I needed to decide whether I was going to lose something or whether I was going to keep it. This allowed me to know exactly where my finances were going, not quite to the penny but close enough. This allowed me to then have a better grasp of my finances and I became the one in control of it rather than my finances controlling me. I took back the power of money and realised that this made my life so much easier (and this feeling continues even now because I haven't broken this habit). I became able to understand what I could and couldn't do or have. I'm fairly certain I said to a friend that I actually felt like I had mastered adulting, that at the age of 33 I am an adult and taking care of everything I need to deal with.
For March's energy, I pulled the Eight of Spears. This month was all about figuring out what it was that I wanted to and then moving towards that with actions. It was during March that I received the inspiration for the course I'm curating. I wasn't expecting to receive this inspiration but it's all about the element of Air which I associate with Spears or Wands. I needed to formulate a plan for what I wanted to achieve with as many steps as possible included (which I could add to as time passed) so that I could see just how I was moving towards my goals. This card feels a lot like I was needing to prepare for the speed at which things would happen, which was rather quicker than I thought it would be. At the same time as preparing for the speed, I feel like I was being prepared for the reality that I have many strings to my bow, many things I could do, explore and teach. This really is the month when everything started to gain momentum.
For March's resources, I pulled the Temperance card. I feel like this card was almost a caution against the Eight of Spears and its movement because this is all about carefully thinking things through. I had to be sure that the inspiration I received was something that I wanted to go through with, so I had to think it through. I had to start the preparation for the course, doing everything as methodically as possible. I will admit that this was a learning process as I'd never done anything like this before so every day I was learning something new. I was putting the theory knowledge to the test (and still doing this as it's not yet finished) to do something practical in the future. I was shining a light on the knowledge that I had because I realised that I know more than I think I do. I've spent so long yearning for more information, especially around how I can help more curious minds to learn about these topics, and I finally feel like I've found that.
Looking back, what a whirlwind those three months were! What a start to 2023 those were! I learned so much about myself and what I want to do as well as what works for me and what doesn't so I can make any necessary changes as I move into the next three months.
I hope this inspires you to look at how these months have been for you, whether they were more surprising or challenging than you thought they'd be.
Peace and love to all!!!