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Ostara 2024

Writer's picture: AmethystRunewitchAmethystRunewitch

It's that time of year when Spring is finally sprung on the Northern Hemisphere and it's heralded by the Sabbat of Ostara! This is the day when night and day, light and dark, are balanced and equal. It's held around 21st March but it can change a little.

Ostara might be better known as the Spring Equinox in "layman's terms" but modern Druids call it Alban Eilir, which translates to Light of the Earth. Either way, it's the midpoint between Imbolc (1st February) and Beltane (1st May).

As mentioned already, it's the time when light and dark are equal and in balance, even if the light is gaining strength. But this is the time of year when, especially where I live, the weather just can't seem to make up it's mind whether it's Winter, Spring or Summer so there's an association with change at this Sabbat. It's usually a good idea to consider new beginnings while also balancing our Winter projects with our plans for Spring (and Summer). Thinking about change, what needs to change based on what no longer serves us is good as this would make room for other things and ideas to take root - especially since Ostara occurs at the start of planting season.

The Spring Equinox is also a time of fertility and growth, with the main symbols of eggs, budding leaves/flowers, sprouting plants, and rabbits/hares. Hares and rabbits are prolific breeders while eggs and sprouting/budding plants bring the energy of growth (especially new beginnings).

There's a reason why we use the phrase "spring cleaning": it's because this is the time to declutter, clearing out emotional and spiritual baggage as well as the physical. This action then wipes the slate clean so you can have a new beginning, and plant the idea-seeds in your life for projects that you will help to bear fruit (by nurturing them) in the future.

But it's important to remember that while Spring/Easter/Ostara is all about new life, it comes immediately after Winter which is all about everything dying off and the world being lifeless. I like to refer to the Death tarot card because it has Spring energy and is associated with the unnecessary dying off to nourish the ground so that what is necessary can grow in its place.

So there's an element of rebirth at Ostara with all of this and that's what I wanted to focus on for myself. As I seem to have a habit of doing, I did a reading around this as part of my own Ostara rituals and here's how it went:

ROOTS: What grounds me?

Celtic Bean Reversed

This card was really interesting because it's all about the Ancestors, and those who came before me. I do feel a connection with them and I do my best to honour them as much as I can.

I must admit that I know that how my ancestors lived their lives isn't necessarily appropriate anymore so I am trying to act in a different way to them. This would then allow me to put a stop to the physical, emotional, psychological etc patterns that have acted like a "family or generational curse".

Integrity and wholeness are also values that are important to me; this is instead of "purity" which I don't follow.

SOIL: What nurtures me?

Primrose Upright, Meadowsweet Upright

With Primrose being upright, there's an association with wisdom which I believe comes from knowledge and experiences. The act of learning brings me fulfillment and hope because I am being taught of new beginnings through the various life-lessons and cycles/phases I experience. There's also an element of music and the written word here as soulful music and stories (fictional and real/true) nurture my heart - see my Wardruna Concert 2022 post for how music can (and does) speak to me.

With Meadowsweet also being upright, there's a suggestion of union, and of relationships, that can nurture me. While I do feel a connection with my ancestors, this doesn't necessarily translate to getting on well with my blood relatives so my friends have become the family I have chosen for myself. It's almost like I'm careful about who I allow access to me so that when I do celebrate achievements, I know they will be fully present to celebrate with me. I have come to understand that celebrating anything and everything, regardless of how big or small that accomplishment is, is important and makes life so much sweeter.

SEED: What will bloom?

The Guardians Upright

This is one of my favourite cards when it comes to the energy it exudes. The Guardians shown here are the trees of Elder (right), Hawthorn (left) and Birch (middle). Together, they tell me that patience, teamwork and relationships are likely to bloom the easiest during this coming season. I would like to acknowledge that the Elder tree is all aout protection and the home (which was my very first spell), while the Hawthorn brings optimism and love to the party. But it's Birch that really gets to me because it's associated with renewal, rebirth, purification and growth - all themes and associations of Spring.

STEM: What gives me strength?

Borage Reversed

With this card, I feel like the message is that inner courage gives me strength as I am proving to myself (as well as the wider world) that I can do something.

On an emotional level, I've had to come to terms with not-so-nice life experiences I've had because I can't go back and change things nor can I control how others act or react. Learning how to not react to situations has been a strength-building exercise on its own but this also led me to discover a new level of self-control.

I have come to appreciate and marvel at just being in the world regardless of what I'm facing because outside of my personal crisis, Mother Nature is always supporting me.

BUD: What should I focus on?

Juniper Upright, Bramble Upright, Mandrake Reversed

With Juniper appearing upright, I feel like I should be focusing on cleansing or clearing something away, particularly anything that is holding me back from making progress or growing within my life like ties to the past or any loose ends. There's an element of magic, so perhaps doing more spells or just intentionally connecting with my spirituality. Perhaps Juniper comes to say I should focus on finishing off my current cycle, so that I can move on to mastering the art of living well and develop a genuine sense of spontaneity in my life generally.

With Bramble also being upright, there's a feeling of tenacity, boundaries, and rootedness. This is the usually prickly hedgerow that when the time is right provides a veritable feast for humans and animals alike. Bramble is not a plant to be reckoned with as it's not a pushover and hold its ground so that it can protect what is dear - this could be part of what I need to focus on this Spring.

With Mandrake being reversed, I feel like I need to work on how I amplify what I already have, my practice of gratitude. This would then help me to attract love, power and/or wealth in my life, or whatever it was I needed at that point. I feel like there's some duality that comes up with Mandrake because it's part of the Nightshade family alongside the potato and tomato but also Deadly Nightshade- so on one hand, there's nourishment or a fruitful harvest but too much or the wrong type could result in barren-ness.

PRUNE: What should I release?

Fir Club Moss Upright, Clover Upright

With Fir Club Moss being upright, I feel like I need to release the big things that are holding me back because to me, it's the small things that hold the most meaning or importance. Once upon a time, I used to feel a deep need for power and dramatic mystical experiences but these aren't necessary as power can so easily be corrupted and manipulated, and experiences can be twisted or lead me away from the path I was meant to walk. At some point in my life, I was all about the next big thing that entered my life - all the new beginnings, all the time - so that I always had something new happening but this was an impairment and blinded me from seeing through the past to reality.

With Clover also being upright, I feel like the message from Fir Club Moss has been amplified or maybe even clarified! Clover is all about the need for wealth, fame and good fortune - but what they actually are is a different matter. I don't have a lot of material or financial wealth but when it comes to my relationships with others, I do feel wealthy there. I'm not well-known but that's okay - my journey will reach those who need it most when they need it most, even if that's not right now. With wealth and good fortune, there's an association with luxury but again, based on me living my life how I want to and decorating my home how I want to, I feel like I am surrounded and living my own life of luxury and I'm happy with that.

SUNSHINE: What should I embrace?

Yarrow Upright

With Yarrow being upright, I feel like there's a suggestion I should cultivate a relationship with the Divine Masculine or even the Horned God specifically (especially with the phallic stone monument).

Aside from this, Yarrow is associated with fidelity or loyalty to people, ideas and/or values so perhaps I need to ebrace being more faithful and trusting.

Yarrow seems to enjoy assessing and reviewing, which then brings up the potential for renewed sense of purpose and commitment.

WATER: What should I nourish?

Agrimony Upright, Fern Upright, Poppy Reversed, Mistletoe Upright

With Agrimony being upright, I feel like I need to nourish purification and liberation. I need to ensure that I am prepared for whatever new beginnings come my way, because they are always around the corner. I need to get to work removing any last sorrows, burdens, feelings, thoughts or attachments that are no longer serving me. By eliminating negative energy, I can then nourish myself by stepping boldly into a new phase of life filled and surrounded by positive energy.

With Fern also being upright, there's a message of sensuality; that I need to indulge my senses in order to truly enjoy what life has to offer. This will also connect me on a deeper level to the life-force or -energy of the Earth. Perhaps my spiritual practice is the way to do this as I could use it to also connect to the natural rhythms and cycles of the Universe and World. Maybe this is a message to keep going with my astrology journey so that I can get to know the energies of the sun, moon and stars while at the same time following the Wheel of the Year.

With Poppy being reversed, rather than telling me what to nourish, I feel like this card was more of a warning against what I shouldn't nourish: indifference, languidness, and excess being the main three. I can't be indifferent to what happens, as lazy as a couch potato, or as excessive as Henry VIII was reported to have been. I have to find a source of comfort, well-being, and protection that are all rooted in my personal essence and/or my spirituality. Rather than focusing and nourishing what is falling away, I feel like I need to concentrate on life and all that it holds.

With Mistletoe being upright, I feel like the message is that I need to nourish myself by healing myself of the wounds of the past. Perhaps I need to use my healing as inspiration for the start of a new cycle or phase within my life, maybe even the start of new projects. There is a great power that is activated by living in the present moment, and I feel like this is another of Mistletoe's messages but perhaps it's time to follow other guidance in the form of creativity.

Well, that was a doozy of an Ostara reading!! So many cards hit home for me and helped me to realise a positive and hopeful route forward as I navigate Spring 2024.

I hope this has been as inspiring for you to read and consider as it has been for me.

Peace and love to all!!!!

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