So last year, I signed up for a workshop that was all about using tarot and prompts to write a story. I really enjoyed that and I did share my story on here so you can have a look and see how last year's story differs from this year's one. This workshop was hosted by Emily at Wise Woman Witchery and I will never not want to share the work this magickal soul puts together!!!
First we started by using numerology to work out which Major Arcana cards represent my lifetime and the year. To do this, I needed my full date of birth (date, month and year) for my lifetime card and the date of my last birthday for my year card. To preserve my personal details, I will tell the cards but not the numbers: my lifetime card is The Emperor, while my year card is The Wheel of Fortune. Because I used the Forest of Enchantment tarot deck, the Wheel of Fortune is slightly changed and becomes the Enchanter's Wheel, but The Emperor is also changed to The Forest Lord. The energies stay the same but the name and images are slightly different, more in tune with the natural world.
Emily provided some prompts for 13 parts to the story but the cards were to be used as inspiration for them. As seems rather typical for me, I didn't end up with just 13 cards (the 2 chosen through numerology and 11 pulled for the other prompts) as for one of the prompts I received two cards. But here's the story I wrote:
Once upon a time, a portal opened, birthing me into the world, a seed ready to blossom, full of strength, but oh so connected to nature.!I was as one with the world around me, taking sustenance from the trees and animals but also giving it back to them. I had all I needed and more besides. The trees taught me their wisdom and I was an enthusiastic pupil. The animals showed me how to co-exist with others, to give unconditional love. I was of this world but also not of it, able to straddle the bridge between the physical world and the Otherworld. I was the protector of those who were unable to communicate their needs in the same way as me; I saw their importance in the wider world and how every living thing has its own role to play in this world. I honoured each individually, making sure that they all spent time with me, for them to teach and advise me. My court was the Forest and all those living in it.
As I grew, so too did my curious and powerful gifts. I became a seer, practised in the art of divination, using "old" methods, like Ogham, the language of the trees and plants, deepening my connection with this part of the natural world. I could read signs and interpret the messages they contained. I became someone who could advise those who sought me out. Even when the message was not clear to me, I still tried my best to provide to clarity to others, to teach them that Ogham and all other divinations were not as scary or evil as some believe. But even though I knew all of this, I never stopped learning, collecting knowledge that I could refer to when I needed to but also to provide a safe place for others to find solace in the writings and knowledge in my collection. I allowed the natural cycles to illuminate the shadows within, to always work to improve my own self so that I could help others in a better way. I grew curious about living on my own, with little in the way of a social life, but still enjoying who I was becoming and the whole process of growth.
One seemingly perfect day, a message arrived in the form of a knowing and I was required to sacrifice having a close-knit family of my own. I was the "black sheep" or even the mythical unicorn, shunned by relatives and forced, at first, to live my life away from them. But my family, my soul family, became those who supported me and who naturally and truly accepted all parts of me. The animals and plants became my family, never judging me but always there when I needed them. I discovered the peace that came from living as close to Nature, in partnership with Nature as much as possible. The plants and trees taught me how to just be, guiding me to that knowledge through their own way of life. Another message was to enjoy the beauty of all Nature around me, from the companionship of plants to that of the animals and birds. I was also shown the beauty of true peace, being at peace with my own self.
In the aftermath, I looked in the mirror and found reflected that there will always be people who with to take advantage of my kind nature. But instead of always being defensive, I sent love to them, hoping that they will learn how their actions affects those around them. Knowing that I have learned this and being given plenty of opportunities to put this learning into practical use. I found gratitude reflected, that I have a stable home, and a place of safety that I can rely on but also a feeling within that I have found my soul's home. I have gratitude for the people in my life, for those who have supported me and helped me to become who I am, but also for those who taught me certain lessons throughout my life. Companions (both human and animal) come into our lives for a specific amount of time, whether that is entire life or just a season.
A shattering occurred, the constructs of my old beliefs fell away and a new story emerged. A story that is older than time, that reaches back all the way to the beginning of all life. The new story held so much wisdom and teaching, a knowing that came from the roots, the earth, the interconnectedness of all things. There was also knowledge of other realms, realms that cannot be seen with human eyes but which can still be experienced if you are willing to release control to a higher and older wisdom. The new story was all about honouring wisdom that is older than anything else, honouring those who come to teach me certain things or to help me discover the wisdom already within me. This new story was connected to honouring all the land and all the plants, being open to the messages and teachings they hold. I was excited by this story even without knowing where it would lead me but intrigued by the natural cycles ahead of me.
One initiation after the next led me to my most recent birthday when the omens foretold that everything was about to change, that the Wheel of Fortune would turn, bringing prosperity and abundance in place of bad luck and lack. But the Wheel also brought more wisdom, that life always moves in cycles and with each turn, a new lesson to be learned, deeper levels of wisdom within each cycle. I had to be present, undistracted from modern life while still living in it. The Wheel would always turn so that even if I felt that I wasn't making progress, at some point I would be able to look behind to see how far I had actually come. With each initiation, one part of my life would come to an end but something new would then be allowed to be started. This was exciting with all the new beginnings and new things to be discovered along this winding path I find myself walking.
New gifts arrived in the shape of discovering new allies, and even deeper wisdom from the natural world around me, from the plants but also from the animals. The plants shared greater levels of wisdom that I had previously not explored or considered. But they also guided me, as allies and teachers. They showed me gifts within my own self that I had not thought of before, gifts that lived in the shadows, hidden from view until the time was right. The fox came, slinking in the shadows from the forest to see what I was discovering. I carried a torch, a symbol of illumination and stepping into the light. It was not an easy journey as I walked it alone but I was not truly alone because I had Nature to keep me company and guide me if ever I got distracted or waylaid. Nature would always ensure that what I was seeking would be found, even if that was in unexpected ways or places.
Yet still, as the clock struck the witching hour, I was haunted by the ghosts of self appearing as stages of growth for a tree, showing how I had grown from that seed, full of potential, into an oak with deep and abundant roots. But these ghosts showed me that there was still the opportunity to grow, that I was not yet "finished" or ready for a harvest.
I was also haunted by the ghosts of potential, the things that could have been if I'd only made different decisions at the various cross-roads I came to. These appeared as the barren, icicle-laden trees that surrounded the singular potential for life and fruitfulness.
The ghost crowded me and appeared to attempt to try to hinder my tree's growth as it was alone within an otherwise empty clearing.
As the shell of Winter cracked and the Spring whispered soundlessly, the ghosts made their needs known, that I needed to widen my view so that instead of focusing on failures, I could learn from all of my experiences. Turning these past lessons into future successes by changing something that seems to be small and insignificant. The animals, plants and trees supported me as they had since I began, lending me the last of their energy as their natural lives ended or appeared to end. The ghosts told me that unless I could discover how to live life with more positivity, there was every chance that I would end up as a ghost myself. They hadn't been able to see the positives while they were living so they came to warn me against making the same mistakes.
In the deep sleep of integration, prophecy bled from dreams and slid into the new with the promise that I would rediscover my true self. But first I needed to accept my humanity, that I am not perfect but by bringing awareness to my flaws I could be an example to others, assisting them with their own efforts to find wholeness.
Prophecy bled from my dreams and showed me who I had been in the past, who I was currently and the potential for who I could be in the future.
No matter what I did or how embarrassed or ashamed I felt, I couldn't escape from what prophecy wanted me to see as it floated in the form of a mirror directly in front of me.
Prophecy showed me that I needed to integrate all these versions of myself if I truly wanted to move forward.
The ancestors and descendants gathered as guides and offered their wisdom and warnings against being too naive, too willing to see only the good while ignoring all signs and omens demonstrating the opposite.
They also offered guidance for the options before me: walking away from a false opposrtunity, or entering into a potentially dangerous endeavour. More wisdom came in the form of knowledge that I would have to accept whatever consequences followed from the choice that I was free to make.
The ancestors and descendants gave me space while also ensure that I did not feel as if I walked my life-path alone, even if at times I did feel isolated.
They also offered encouragement that no matter what I chose to do, I would always be walking along the right path.
My future self reach back across time, wisdom echoing with a message of hope and wonder at the beauty held within all things, from the stars in the night sky above to the trees that reach upwards toward sun, moon and stars. There was also a message that if I align myself with my purpose, following my intuition and allow Spirit to guide me, then I am never truly lost. Because of this, I will always be able to find my way, no matter what else is going on in my life.
I reached back to extend a spirit-formed hand of encouragement, company and love towards my past self. I reached to give all the forms of love that, for whatever reason, I had not received when I needed them most.
In the end, my next beginning was born, the time came to master my abilities, learn, and connect on a deeper level with nature. I started to grow more confident in what I could do, making sure I understood the theory before putting that knowledge into action.
But there was still so much that I didn't know, so much for me to learn still. Perhaps it was the goddess who appeared as the rabbit-like creature before me who granted me even greater creativity so that I could do Her work and inspire others to ger to know Her better.
Either way, I myself was inspired and excited to get out into Nature and try my hand at the various magickal applications that were possible and more powerful when done away from the unnatural man-made buildings.
Well, I will admit that I started this in 2023 but for some unknown reason, I experienced some kind of creative block that meant I struggled to finish it off until March 2024. I'm glad that I could complete it though and I'm happy with it.
I hope this inspires you about how you can work with tarot (or even oracle) decks to write stories.
Peace and love to all!!!!