Welcome and Merry Meet to you magickal souls!!!!
It's time to think about the New Moon in Virgo which will happen around 2nd September, during the time when the Sun is in the sign of Virgo.
This lunar event will have a mix of the New Moon and Virgo energies. The New Moon is synonymous with new beginnings and new starts, so you can use this as an opportunity to review your resolutions from the start of the calendar year and either amend or add a new one in that you'd like to achieve over the next lunar month.
The Virgo energy multiplies this energy because Virgo is the planner of the zodiac. Virgo loves to be organsied as it's one of the Earth signs. To be specific, it's a mutable Earth sign, as it straddles the seasons of summer and autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and this is a time of change. So Virgo plans and has a lot of back-ups just in case they are needed, but can bring an element of stubbornness as the initial plan is always seen as the best one.
As a result, this New Moon in Virgo holds the energy of new beginnings with getting organised and structured in life. This energy is also full of a sense of change, perhaps meaning that we need to think about reserve plans and how we can be flexible and open to change in the midst of this new beginning.
Personally, I think it's interesting that the planetary ruler of Virgo is Mercury which has just ended its most recent retrograde through the signs of Leo AND Virgo!!!! So we've had the opportunity to review and learn about our planning habits, how grounded we are and how flexible we can be when working towards shining our individual lights out into the world, but now, we're being given the chance to put those lessons into action and make changes with this New Moon in Virgo.
So how can we as a collective/community move through the energy of this New Moon in Virgo? Well, that's what I was thinking about so I did a collective reading about this lunar event with a spread I created and the Druid Plant Oracle deck by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm.
How can we best harness the energies of this new beginning?
Vervain is quite interesting as the first card of this spread because it's all about reconciliation, inspiration which is better known by the Druids as Awen, but it's also connected to magic.
Reconciliation ties into the new beginning because it's all about a new start, a new phase to a relationship, and trying again.
With the connection to inspiration or Awen, it's all about new ideas which lead to new starts with projects (whether new or long-term ones).
When it comes to magic, Vervain is all about cleansing and purification, two things which are usually precursors to new starts as the old is removed to make way for a new beginnings.
How can we be more flexible?
Fir Club Moss
This card comes to say that we can open ourselves up to our intuition, the new beginnings that surround us, and power.
Our intuition will always send us messages, as well as receive from whatever we believe in but sometimes we don't trust in the power of as much as we should because we've learned to be distrusting of anything without definitive proof.
If we don't open ourselves up to the opportunities that new beginnings give us, what's the point in having goals or dreams?
We need to recognise that we hold power within us, that the world around us also holds power. But we have the power to grow without limit if we are flexible.
How is this New Moon showing us that we can be more receptive to change?
Cuckoo Pint Reversed
Because it is reversed, this card is saying that we need to think about the disharmony, toxicity, and, in some cases, inability to connect within our lives.
If there's anything in our lives that leaves us feeling less than whole or incomplete, then there lives disharmony. If we're following someone else's dreams, there also will disharmony be. It's the same with toxicity because we don't need it and we should do our best to remove it from our lives as much as possible.
As a community, we have lost our connection to nature as well as inter-personal connections. This is why there is so much disharmony between different peoples. The connection has been warped.
What will it mean for us to be less stubborn in life?
Mandrake Reversed
When this card is reversed, this card is associated with amplification, obsession, and madness. Usually, reversals will indicate more obstacles but in this case, there is some positivity attached to it.
First, we could be obsessed with being stubborn, trying to prove to whoever that we can live our lives however we want to. It could also indicate that we will become obsessed with different things than before.
With the madness association, it could indicate that we are likely to present as "not sane" to those who don't wish to change and improve their lives.
However, the final thing is that everything (good or bad) gets amplified so it's not all completely bad.
With all of that, I'd say that these cards are encouraging us to change our behaviours and attitudes so that we can improve all of our lives. We can still be stubborn but we can learn when it is appropriate to be stubborn rather than being like that just for the sake of it. The New Moon is a new beginning that we can take advantage of but we have to cleanse our lives of the toxic places and/or people, and be open to reconnecting with ourselves, others and the natural world around us.
I hope this has given you hope for the wider world but if you'd like a more personal look at what this New Moon will bring up for you, my diary and inbox are open.
Peace and love ot all!!!!