It's time for the New Moon in Taurus! (Remember that the New Moons always happen in the same sign the Sun is in.) This New Moon will take place on 7th or 8th May (depending on which time zone you are in).
Personally, I think it's interesting that we were just over halfway through the sign of Taurus when this New Moon occurred. So rather than being partway through thenergy of Taurus, we are being given a new beginning that we need to make the most of.
The New Moon is all about starting anew as it occurs at the very beginning of the lunar cycle. So this time is ideal for setting new intentions for the next two weeks to a year. Remember that the Full Moon in Taurus won't hapen for another 6 months and it can be a halfway point for long-term intentions. Short-term intentions can take up to 1 month with the next Full Moon signifying the halfway point for them.
It's important to note that Taurus energy surrounds this New Moon so this New Moon would be perfect for dealing with what is real, security and stability, feeling at home within ourselves, and deep roots/grounding. Taurus is ruled by Venus so there's an element of self-care and self-love within this.
Putting both the New Moon and Taurus energies together, this will be the perfect time to set intentions around security and stability, comfort levels, staying grounded in reality, and developing self-care and/or self-love into a daily habit.
To better help the wider community, I thought it would be better to do a collective reading for the energy around the New Moon in Taurus and how we can use this to improve our lives. I found a spread by Seeds of Shakti that I thought would suit the energy of this New Moon, and I chose to use my Maia Toll deck that is a mix of the Crystallary, Herbiary and Bestiary oracle cards (the ones that come with the illustrated books).
How can we draw in the fertile energy of this New Moon for manifesting prosperity?
Spring Peeper - Evolve into Your Next Becoming
With this card, I get the feeling that a lot of us have forgotten how to breathe, or life feels particularly impossible, and so we've forgotten that we have a choice: the choice of staying as we are and nothing being different or changing something about ourselves so that we can implement our "back-up" plan. The Spring Peeper is all about stepping out of our element, our comfort zone and into what is scariest or most challenging. So consider where you feel comfortable, at home and where you can breathe easily; then challenge yourself to do one thing at least once that doesn't fall within any of those three categories.
As an earth sign, what can Taurus teach us about nourishing our hearts and souls with the raw pleasures of life?
Elestial Quartz - Become Inimitable
With Elestial Quartz, it's all about being more than just "normal" Quartz. Be the uniquely extraordinary person that you are, even if there are times when you can't see it. In my experience, Taurus is all about making themselves comfortable so why not take a leaf out of Taurus' book and do the same for you? Make your life comfortable for you and know that those who truly value you will stay and help with your comfort.
Ruby - You, Only More So
With Ruby, it's all about weaving the life and person you want to have into being. How much time and space in your own life do you take up? How much energy do you spend on being the person you think others want you to be? Do you know who YOU are on your own without anyone else's influence? Ruby comes to invite you to find out what is comfortable for YOU, not for anyone else. Ruby wants you to figure out who you are so you can keep growing.
How can we root ourselves into the divine medicine of the Earth?
Starflower - Finding Grace
Starflower is another name for Borage but it's a much prettier name and describes the flowers so well. But how can we find grace to root ourselves? Starflower answers this for us: by allowing ourselves time to practice self-care, maybe even going so far as to schedule it in our busy modern lives. Just remember that self-care can mean time when nothing is expected from us except just being. This is what will allow us to find grace and share it with the wider world.
Raspberry - Create Space
Raspberry comes to advise us that we can root ourselves in the Earth by creating space. This space can be for nurturing the Earth and growing things, or giving others space to be their true selves. But Raspberry deepens Starflower's message of taking time to just be because it is only when we find that emptiness that new life can start to thrive, whether physically, spiritually or emotionally. Self-love and self-care is so important because both allow us to just be in the world.
What self-imposed beliefs and blocks do we need to release that are connected to money?
Lepidolite - Breathe In Your Trueness
Lepidolite comes to say that we believe that money should either come to us easily with little effort, or it's something that we will never have enough of. While the Unicorn may not be real in the modern age, this doesn't mean that they weren't: in fact, fossils have been found that support their existence. The Unicorn is even the national animal for the country of Scotland. If we aren't try to ourselves, we can't manifest or attract a positive relationship with money that we desire.
Sea Turtle - Find Your Element
The Sea Turtle comes to say that we need to find the place where we can be ourselves and actually enjoy life. Sea Turtles don't actually regulate their internal temperature; instead, they use their outer environment to do so. Perhaps it's time that we do the same, by looking for people and/or places that help us to nurture a positive relationship with money.
Azurite - Activate the Void
Azurite comes to further confirm the messages of Starflower and Raspberry: that we need to embrace doing nothing and just being, that we don't have to be doing things all the time. With our incredibly busy modern lives and the pressure we receive from our peers or community, we can feel like we always have to be doing things. Because of this, we can miss opportunities that could allow us to explore the world and its own potential. Remember the non-Latin name of our species: we are Human Beings, not human doings.
So this whole reading seems to be reminding us to take time to just be, that we don't have to constantly on the go. We hold space within us that is bursting with potential if we could only pay attention to it by not doing anything. By holding space, we can also give ourselves the opportunity to transform and change, also called evolving, as we move through life and have particular experiences. While we're holding space within, we can use that time to discover who we truly are and what it is that we truly wish to do with our lives.
I hope this collective New Moon in Taurus reading is relevant to you and allows you to dive a bit deeper while also feeling less alone because you're not the only one experiencing this now. If you'd like a more personal reading, feel free to message me to set this up.
Peace and love to all!!!!