So at the end of April, there was a second New Moon within a calendar month which is called a Black Moon. It fell in the sign of Taurus, which is the current sign that the Sun is moving through. (Each New Moon is in the same sign as the Sun while the Full Moon is in the opposite sign to the Sun.)
This particular New Moon also coincided with a partial solar eclipse (only visible in parts of Antarctica, South America and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans). Eclipses are always about turning our attention inwards, illuminating the shadows that would otherwise be hidden.
As part of the New Moon ritual which was run by Emily at Wise Woman Witchery for the Diving Deeper members, she led the group in a meditation to connect with a Bull, the symbol of Taurus. This was focused around the stable, solid and calm energy of Taurus, being sure and strong within my sense of self. I felt that the Bull was telling me that I need to be present in the moment and connect to the natural cycles that always surround me.
From the meditation, Emily guided everyone through a card reading around the themes of the New Moon in Taurus. As I've been finding with any reading I do for myself, for the five questions of the reading, I only managed to get a single card for 2 of the questions and I ended up with a total of 13 cards.
The first question was: What energies would support me in grounding most during the next lunar cycle? I got 4 cards for this: Protection, Truth, Travel and Reconciliation. With Protection, I felt like this was telling me to protect the earth, furthering my green witch path. Truth indicates to me that I will be finding out my own personal truth and the truth is always grounding and stable to me. With Travel, I don't feel that it's about travelling around the world because I think it's about travelling witin myself to discover the shadows that have been brought to the fore. Reconciliation was a bit harder because at first I thought it was about my family situation but then I realised it's about settling differences and coming to terms with things that have happened, rather like shadow work.
The second question was: "What would cupport a deeper connection to your body?" I had three cards jump out for this: Transformation, Wellbeing, and Strength. I felt that Transformation was regarding my mindset, because until this year, I hadn't felt that I could work with home-grown herbs around my home but I have attempted this with an open mind and this has transformed my ability to grow plants and keep them alive. With Wellbeing, I felt that it was telling me to look after my self, my physical wellbeing as well as my mental and spiritual wellbeing. I am working on being more healthy and more mindful of what I am doing to my own body. Strength was a different kind of energy as I felt like I was being told to have confidence in what my body can do, as well as believe that I have the strength of mind to achieve anything I set my heart and mind to.
The third question was: "What obstacles might block you from these endeavours?" I pulled Willpower for this and I definitely feel like it was telling me to be more willing to stay the course and follow through with my plans and ideas. I also feel that this card was warning me against procrastinating for too long as I have a habit of just sitting with something for ages before I do anything about it. I am definitely working on this moving forwards as I have already set aside some notebooks so that I can document my growing knowledge of herbalism and teas. I have also taken this card on board because I have enlisted the help of the free version of the app Planta to remind me when to water my plants with a check-in on the plant itself every month.
The fourth question was: "What tools can you use to remove the obstacle?" I pulled four cards for this: Finding, Fertility, Confidence, and Justice. To me, Finding was all about discovering new things as well as the truth. I'm currently on a path to discover whether one of my shadows is founded or not and I have another 3-5 weeks to wait before I find out the results. With Fertility, it's less about my own personal fertility and more to do with the natural cycles that are all around me every single day (the seasons, even the cycle of a day from dawn to daylight to dusk to night). It also symbolised that I may be in the process of breathing new life into my own self, or that I'm embracing the natural fertility of the earth. With Confidence, I feel like it's self-explanatory where I am growing within my self. I have more confidence on the next steps I need to take as I walk this path. Justice was the hardest card to work out but I feel like it's building on the Truth card where the truth will always come out. I feel like it'll also bring out the times where people have lied to me and now I'm on the road to finding the absolute truth.
The final question was: "Who are your allies in this work?" I pulled a single card, Closure, which meant a lot to me. This card rounded out the whole reading and it was only when I received this card that everything else fell into place. This card spoke to me about finding out the truth so that I can put an entire situation to bed. I am in the process of finding out whether I have a particular gene that could trigger health issues in the future. I have had the relevant blood tests and am waiting to hear back from the clinic in about 3-5 weeks when the laboratory has given them the results. This is my biggest fear right now and I actually made a note of the timeframe before the reading part of this New Moon ritual started. I am taking positivity from this card that I will find out the truth and the door will be closed.
This reading was regarding the next lunar cycle, from the New Moon in Taurus to the New Moon in Gemini, which actually coincides with the 3-5 weeks timeframe I hope to find out my results in. So without knowing the questions beforehand, they still tied into what I am experiencing currently in my life. It has given me hope that I can face whatever the results say.
I hope this inspires you to do your own readings around the New Moon for the next lunar cycle, and that this reading I have shared will inspire and bring you hope as it has me.
Peace and love to all!!!