Welcome and Merry Meet to you Beautiful Souls!!!!
It's time to start thinking about the New Moon in Scorpio which will reach peak energy around 1st November, which just happens to be the day after Samhain!!!! So this would be the first New Moon of the Witch's Year if you believe that Samhain is the start of the magickal year - that's pretty cool to me!
This New Moon occurs while the Sun is in Scorpio, which is ruled by the planet of transformation, Pluto. Pluto is also associated with death and rebirth, and destruction, as well as illuminating the shadows we might want to work through. All of this can make Pluto a planet that should be feared but with transformation comes a new beginning, with rebirth comes a new life; neither of which are bad things. Something to note is that Pluto was only discovered in 1930 and before that year, Mars was the planetary ruler for Scorpio, which could bring in the idea that any transformation presented to us will be faced as if we are warriors.
With everything that happens around this time, this New Moon can be very intense, especialy when it comes to emotions, our internal shadows, what is hidden and what is unknown. This is the time in the Northern Hemisphere when we start to turn inwards, we spend more time at home where it is warm, and so we can use this to dive deep within our own selves to learn our own shadows and heal these parts of ourselves with love, kindness, and compassion.
This New Moon can help us to see the truth that hides behind our actions, to take down barriers that we have built against the shadows so that we can access a much deeper level of healing. This is a time that we can be truly vulnerable by sharing from our hearts, facing our fears, releasing the need to be strong, right or in control - all so that we can be helped to new levels of potential and true transformation by this New Moon in Scorpio.
This is the perfect lunar event to ask ourselves the deep soul questions about whether we are happy, speaking and living our truth, carry old emotions as burdens, whether we are stuck in the same old (emotional) cycles, or if we are celebrating our achievements or if we shy away to stay small in life. If we don't have words as answers, we can always use our emotions to direct/guide us, especially when it comes to where we want to go in our lives, As we come to recognise these emotions, we can use them to find clarity on our boundaries and personal protections.
All of this seems to be rather a lot to think about so here's a collective reading narrowing down how the energy of this New Moon in Scorpio could be used to our advantage. I used the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms deck by Colette Baron-Reid.
What area of our lives most needs transformation right now?
The Resting Tree, The Fire Prince
With The Resting Tree, the area indicated is our sence of peace, the place of comfort where we can rest and just be. This card may be indicating that we have either lost this place or that we have become disconnected from. This could be because we aren't spending enough time resting between projects as we move from one to the next. Transformation will only be possible if we realise that we have to be patient, we're in between cycles now.
The Fire Prince comes to say that our collective sense of aggression is very high, given the amount of hate that there is in the world. With all the fighting between countries, types of peoople and even neighbours, it's hardly surprising that love is taking a backseat in people's minds; that aggression, depression and anxiety are destroying the relationship between love and hope. So we've also lost our connection to hope because the relationship between hope and love needs to be nurtured and instead it's being neglected. So if we really want to manifest transformation, then we need to keep hold of optimism and replace the aggression with love and hope.
How can we recognise the emotions that should guide us?
The Shadow Queen Reversed, The Altar Priestess Reversed
The Shadow Queen is showing herself to us in reverse because she is challenging us to look at our innermost character flaws with as much compassion as we can muster. We are all flawed but we all deserve respect and care. Recognising the guiding emotions comes from this place of compassion, respect and care. The Shadow Queen is saying that the negative self-talk will only get in the way so we need to be mindful and conscious of our thoughts.
The Altar Priestess comes to challenge us in confirmation of the message of the Shadow Queen about the negative self-talk that will only stand in the way of us recognising which emotions should guide us and which we should ignore. The Altar Priestess also wants to highlight that we should pay attention to our emotions when we are interacting with others. These negative emotions that feed into our self-criticisms and other issues will never help us to evolve and develop but the emotions that give us the opposite feeling will; those feelings of happiness, confidence and peace.
How can we use our emotions to guide/direct us towards this transformation?
The Queen of the Light
This Queen comes to say that we have to face our emotions, bring them into the Light if we want to be able to know them truly. If we don't know our emotions, the triggers behind them, the root cause, and outer "symptoms" of them, we can't see that our emotions are beacons pointing us towards the transformation we need.
But this Queen also comes to promote balance within our emotions, because we cannot know which is which without the other; we need the negative as much as the positive. Without knowing one, we cannot have the other; we cannot know anger without delight.
How can we get free of those old unhelpful cycles?
The Lady of the Gift, The Sun Dancers
The Lady of the Gift comes to say that we need to stop withholding our emotions, that we need to let our emotions flow freely through us. By withholding our emotions, we stop others from being generous with their love and supporting us through the experience. It also stops us from being generous with our love and support as well. If we want to receive new helpful cycles in our lives, we cannot keep our emotions to ourselves. The gift of a true relationship will also be denied us.
The Sun Dancers are saying that we can get free of old unhelpful cycles by celebrating what surrounds us in life, the abundance of life and simply joyful things that are always present. If we can focus on the good, we release ourselves from the grip of the unhelpful cycles that are currently holding us prisoner. Sometimes the only thing we can do is marvel and enjoy the natural world around us. Finding joy can make the biggest difference and give us hope when we feel like we're looking at the worst and lowest situation in our lives. There is usually some kind of sunlight that we can find to light the darkness and rid us of unhelpful cycles.
That was rather a deep reading but Scorpio is known for being a deep and mysterious sign. It's a water sign so emotions are likely to run high or we'll start a new emotional cycle during this lunar month. At least we've got hope to keep us going, that we have something to look forward to: freedom from old unhelpful cycles that no longer serve our greater good.
I hope this has given you hope for the next few weeks and months. If you'd like a personal look at how this New Moon in Scorpio could affect you, my diary and inbox are open.
Peace and love to all!!!!