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New Moon in Aquarius 2024

Writer's picture: AmethystRunewitchAmethystRunewitch

So it's the start of my personal new year and I say this because I was born just after the New Moon in Aquarius occurred so I feel really connected to this particular Moon which this year is known as the New Snow Moon.

Just as the Full Moons have "nicknames", so too do the New Moons and these are attributed to the Indigenous Peoples of North America, following their traditions and practices as well as the seasons. This particular New Moon is the Snow Moon because it is the last New Moon of the Winter season and there is usually a blanket of snow on the ground showing that Winter may be unwilling to relinquish her hold on the earth.

So this Moon symbolises a fresh start for me personally because it's in the sign of Aquarius. It's almost like a second personal new year celebration and while I didn't do anything particularly special for it, I did my usual ritual of a personal reading which I will share with you here. Rather than doing a smaller (3-4 card) reading, I opted for a more in depth spread as you'll see.

Because of this New Moon occurring in the sign of Aquarius, I wanted to honour that connection between myself and the Moon. Now, Aquarius can be seen as rebellious for thinking outside the box and being a free-thinker so I thought the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild would be perfect for this ritual reading.

What's unfolding on the horizon?


With this card, the Lilies, bees and flowers really caught my attention so I feel like the message is to connect on a deeper level with Nature. There may be something deeper in that bees fly and so are connected to the element of Air, which is also associated with Aquarius. There's more to this though, almost like the bees have been inspired to pollinate the flowers and Lilies so that more can grow. Perhaps I need to let myself be inspired and see where these ideas could take me so that they can bloom and take root within my life and Craft.

What's calling my name right now?

Listening for Truth, Conscious Connections

With Listening for Truth, I feel like I'm being reminded to be still and quiet to hear the messages that Spirit and goddesses like Hekate are sending to me. Perhaps I need to be reactive rather than proactive, which seems a bit odd with what is happening in my life. I've been more proactive wit dealing sorting various projects around my home so to find that I might need to be less like this seems a bit contrary. Something else I noticed from this card is that the lady in the image is turning to the light for truth and leaving darkness behind but she is also holding a conch shell to her ear as if she's trying to hear the flow of water in the ocean. So perhaps the message is to be more like water which just is; it doesn't do anything until it needs to react to a situation.

With Conscious Connections, the first thing that grabbed my attention was the two fish in the bottom left of the image. This made me think of the common symbol for the zodiac sign of Pisces which is the next zodiac season and the sign of the next New Moon. To me, any conscious connection can lead to a relationship but this doesn't necessarily mean romantic as it could be any kind of relationship (friend, coworker, family, etc.). So perhaps I do need to work on my relationships with others, maybe even working with the unknown of Deity which is something I haven't truly explored before.

What old patterns do I need to leave behind?

Softly, Softly, the Tender Touch

With this card, it reminded me of the character of Queen Anne in The Musketeers TV series because she went through a lot and was hurt but would still do her best not to offend anyone while being honest and truthful. So I'm taking the message as being gentle with others (and myself) while still being open and honest. I need to be authentic to my own truth but the most important thing I'm taking away from this card is that I need to put an end to stopping the natural flow of emotions because I am so used to bottling them up until I have a breakdown.

What's the new energy I need to step into?

Going Beyond Normal

With this card, there's a connection with Aquarius as there's a lot of thinker-energy within both the sign and the card (like the golden lightbulb above the head). This doesn't feel like new energy to me but it definitely fits with my Sun sign of Aquarius. The various layers of cogs are made of different things (a normal cog is closest to the head while pearls and buttons join the further out the cogs get so there's a lot of innovative thinking and new ideas to be looked up to. The headscarf symbolises shielding myself but still being openly in the world.

What message does this New Moon have for me?

Follow Your Own Rhythm, Focus on the Light, Restore and Replenish

With Follow Your Own Rhythm, this card actually reminded me of another card in the Forest of Enchantment tarot deck, the Weaver of Spells. It's all about breaking the threads that have been tying me to "normal" and acknowledging that I have to dance to my own tune. But this card is different and is telling me that I need to dance into the light (truth) and away from the darkness (deceit).

With Focus on the Light, my attention went straight to the Sunflower and reminded me of another tarot card: The Sun. But the centre of the flower is glowing so perhaps it's the seeds of the future that are being sown now. If they aren't being sown, then at the very least, they are being made known and real in life. Perhaps the light is signifying that I need to keep my eyes on the positives within my life, which is something that I am definitely trying to do.

With Restore and Replenish, I feel like it's a reminder that I'm a "human being" not a "human doing". Resting always helps to heal - that's why when we're not well, we spend a lot of time on the sofa or in bed. But something I personally keep forgetting is that nature can be healing too. Water can replenish and it could be why there's a connection between Water and the tarot suit of Cups. I did notice a key hook at the top of the card which could indicate that this can be unlocked but at the same time, it should not be locked away.

Wow! That felt like quite a full-on reading and all of it aimed at me! I know that not everyone would want to share such personal readings but I want to share them so that you can witness my journey and maybe be inspired to do such personal readings for yourselves.

Peace and love to all!!!!

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