After writing my last post, I have been chatting with a couple of different friends about my experience of the Sacred Body ritual I took part in. This helped me to realise the importance of some details that I hadn't known or taken any notice of at the time of the ritual.
The first thing I came to realise is that I really do take my body for granted. I rarely feel grateful to my own body for what it does every single day - being able to breath, to stand up, walk around, being able to eat and drink, and even think!
The second, and possibly the most important thing, I realised is that I maybe don't take enough care of my body. I don't have a daily skin-care routine so I rarely use any kind of moisturiser on my body or do anything else.
That's what the Sacred Space Ritual highlighted for me - that I definitely don't take enough care of my physical body. That I need to take more care of it so that I can walk this path for as long my body will allow me to. I need to work on my personal fitness, nutrition and hydration, and this is something that I will be working on for the next few months.
The third thing I realised about the Ritual is that it was done during the Waning Crescent or Dark Phase of the Moon. This particular phase is seen by some as one of the most potent times within the Lunar Cycle and its main themes are self-care and self-enquiry.
By subconsciously working with this phase, we were giving ourselves permission to rest, reflect and retreat from the fast pace of modern society. We were allowing ourselves to take a reality check on our bodies at that moment in time but we were also opening ourselves up to true and lasting changes. We also gained clarity about our bodies and what we each need to do to take better care of ourselves.
Without meaning to, I suppose, for me at least, the ritual allowed me to bring my attention back to my body to heal it from the lack of attention I was giving it.
The Moon was also in the sign of Leo during this ritual, which encourages putting yourself first and noticing how you put the needs, happiness and goals of others ahead of your own. While I live alone, I have a handful of friends who I will always be there for and support as best I can and sometimes this means I don't sleep or eat when I should but, again, this is something I am always working towards.
A Leo Moon is also good for taking back power and responsibility for your own life and actions. This is what I felt I did with all of the realisations about the ritual and my own body.
The energy around a Leo Moon promotes removing things that may be holding you back, especially regarding your heart - I definitely haven't been showing my body enough love so this is relevant for me. It brought to light this fact so that I could heal the situation moving forwards. I gained clarity that I should, and need to, show my body more love more often.
Since that Sacred Body Ritual, I have done it again after a cleansing bath and found that, again, I felt like a goddess but in a more profound way that is hard to put into words. I did feel more connected to my own inner magickal power.
I hope this inspires you to learn more about the moon and how it can affect our lives at any given point in time.
Peace and love to all!!