So while I am a practising witch, I don't do daily spells. I do magick of a different kind.
Divination is a type of magick to me and, personally, I prefer to use my my magick to help others. I use runes and Oracle cards to help me with this and I have three sets of Elder Futhark runes (one amethyst, one rose quartz and one black agate) as well as 21 decks of Oracle cards and 2 tarot decks.
Divination is a type of magick where a person obtains information by magical or psychic means that cannot be found using the physical sense of the body (although there can be physical symptoms that the diviner receives).
As a magickal practice, divination is used to direct our future, or the most likely course if events continue as they are. It can also be used to understand our personal past better as well as to look into any past lives we may have had.
Divination is the practice of seeking insight into the future or that which is unknown, often through “supernatural” means. It is a skill that has been used throughout history by a variety of cultures and is usually practised by prophets, priests, witches, soothsayers, shamans or psychics.
I've learned that there are three different ways to practise divination:
By interpreting omens and signs
With systemised methods like palmistry, numerology, tarot cards, runes etc
Through direct communications with the spirit world and/or ancestors
I personally prefer to use more systemised methods, although I have recently purchased a tarot deck that I choose to use intuitively more than referring to the guidance book the deck came with. I'm also hoping this year to make my own card deck for runes (both upright and merkstave or reversed) and also for a set of Ogham cards.
I've bee fascinated recently about how Ogham might have been used by Druids within divination practises. As Medieval Celtic lore claims that Ogham was used by Druids for divination but it's an ancient alphabet that dates back to at least the 3rd and 7th centuries.
There is no one right way to practise any form of divination as it is personal to each practitioner. Just as with choosing decks (tarot and oracle), although I don't believe you absolutely have to be gifted your first deck or set of runes. This path that we walk is just as personal to each of us individually.