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Imbolc 2023

Writer's picture: AmethystRunewitchAmethystRunewitch

So it's that time of year when everything starts to feel like it's waking up and life is returning to the world (or the Northern Hemisphere to be slightly more specific for right now). Even if the weather systems aren't recognising this, Spring is on its way! And it all starts with Imbolc.

Imbolc comes from the Irish Gaelic Oimelc which translates to “ewe's milk” and it signifies the start of the end of winter. Have you noticed how this is the time of year when sheep who are naturally bred will be nursing lambs? It's not a coincidence! With modern science and proper care, lambs and calves can be born all year round though so this Wheel of the Year celebration may feel a little "redundant" to some - and that's okay because there are other ways to celebrate Imbolc other than focusing on milk products.

Imbolc is the celebration that comes just before the end of winter and is so named because the ewes would have been nursing their newborn lambs. This is a very Celtic-based festival and is actually the first of four fire festivals within the Wheel of the Year. This is the mid-point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is usually a day-long celebration, although it can start at midnight the day before. It's seen as a celebration of hearth and home.

To me, Imbolc is the Celtic version of Divali as Imbolc can also be known as the Festival of Lights because it celebrated that the days were lengthening and moving from dark to light. Imbolc heralds the return of light and a reconnection with nature together with the ideas of birth and renewal of the impending return of Spring.

Imbolc is associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid in her aspect as goddess of fire, creativity, fertility and healing. The goddess Brigid was appropriated and became a Christian saint so Imbolc is also known as St Brigid's Day. She is the keeper of the sacred flame as guardian of heart and home.

Brigid actually means “bright one” or “exalted one” and is said to be derived from the Celtic “brig”. Brigid's other aspects are: patron goddess of poets and bards, and patron of healers and practitioners of magic. But Brigid isn't just associated with the element of fire because she's also associated with water in the form of Sacred Wells and snow. This is the time of year when any snow starts to melt due to the warmth returning to the earth, so it's definitely a connection with Brigid regardless of which element is chosen to work with her.

An interesting way of evoking Brigid is to leave a piece of cloth outside for her to bless, and then the next morning, the cloth can be brought inside and worn to bring her gifts closer to you. I haven't done this - mainly because I'm not comfortable with leaving something outside but also because I've never felt this was something I needed to do in my Craft.

So Imbolc is rather synonymous with the warmth of the sun thawing the world out which allows new life to be celebrated. Any ritual or tradition involving a flame is a good idea, whether this is in connection with Brigid or any other deity you are working with or just as a scrying exercise. (I mention scrying because this was actually part of my Imbolc ritual this year.)

I needed to have a bowl of water, a candle, and something to light the candle with. Optional extras were herbs that I associate with cleansing but I chose not to do this as I didn't feel like they were necessary at this point. It was recommended that I place the bowl so that the flame of the candle was reflected in it to do some fire scrying but also to work with the element of water.

As always, the ritual started with grounding before casting a protective circle and calling in the directions. This always feels right when I'm about to do a ritual and this is something I will be taking forwards as I'm involved in creating a ritual for my coven for the next Wheel of the Year celebration of Ostara!

Anyway, at this Imbolc ritual, Emily led the scrying activity using the candle's flame. My candle's flame leaned to the left at first but then became a strong flame that was short and fat with plenty of light. I feel like this was a message for me to follow my heart, be strong and stand tall. I have to return to my own self no matter which way I may be being pulled in.

Present throughout this ritual was an energy of gathering and storing, preparing for Spring and the new growth and beginnings that will be available. This was reflected in the questions asked to the flame and it was really interesting what I discovered along the way.

What has grown stagnant?

I feel like I've grown stagnant with following others and helping them to achieve their goals that my own goals and desires get forgotten about or pushed aside to make room for everyone else. I've grown too familiar and at ease with putting my desires to one side to the point that I rarely speak up for myself when I want to focus on my own projects and ideas. I can start projects but I don't always finish them, so there's an element of stagnation here where I don't continuously put energy into things after starting them.

What has been germinating in my heart over the Winter? What has been building and growing in Winter?

I've definitely spent time over the Winter months thinking about what it is that I want to do, what my heart and soul desire, and where it is I want to go in my life. I'm wanting to put more time and energy into this blog and my coven, but also my YouTube channel which I keep allowing to lapse into stagnation for a time. I want to be acting on keeping my home and self organised as well, not just trying but actually doing this. Something that also came up was cultivating a better partnership with my own Self but also with Nature, either by growing plants or just learning about how I can work with the herbs I already have.

What in my stores do I need to help carry me through to Spring?

I need to be patient to allow all my ideas and plans to be manifested into my life. I have to keep consistently acting on my desires and intuition so that I can actually be successful in my endeavours. I also need to be strong, strong enough to not allow anyone or anything to distract me from my dreams and goals, strong enough to take action when necessary. I feel like I need to pay more attention to what I give my energy to and how much energy I give as well.

What can be cleared away to make room for new growth?

To make room for new growth, I definitely need to set aside the projects and people who drain my energy to the point where I have nothing to give to my own endeavours. I have to clear away the fears and doubts that I might disappoint those around me as well as myself. I have to clear away the idea that I am allowed to take up as much space as I need to.

Next was a charging of the bowl of water, which was asked to help with clearing things to make room for new growth. Because I didn't use herbs for this, I asked the water to help with all the things I listed above. Then I used the water in a ritual bath to help clear myself of those things. This was really interesting to do because I don't tend to have a bath with any other intention apart from getting my body clean, and it made me think about changing this in the future.

This was such a great ritual to attend and I hope it inspires me, with the assistance of Brigid, with future rituals I am honoured to be a part of. My only other hope is that my experience inspires you with how you celebrate each Wheel of the Year event.

Peace and love to all!!!

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