So on Saturday, as part of the Priestess Path, we did a ritual that I felt was very much needed for me personally because I've been carrying a lot of heavy energy that I really didn't need to be carrying anymore.
We started off by grounding our energy, visualising ourselves sitting at the roots of a tree (although I felt like I was sitting with both oak and yew trees), sending our own roots deep down into the earth to exchange "clean" and clear energy from the earth with the heavier "murkier" energy that we find ourselves carrying through our days.
Both Oak and Yew are spiritual trees, with different things being associated with them. Oak is associated with morale, strength, knowledge and resistance. Oak is also associated with the goddess Diana, with whom I am interested in working with alongside my Craft, and the Ogham letter Duir, again I'm interested in learning more about Ogham and how to use it in my divinations. Yew is associated with immortality, renewal, regeneration, everlasting life, rebirth, transformation, and access to the Underworld and the ancestors. Yew is also associated as a Guardian of the Underworld that helps to guide souls from one world to the next, as well as the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. Yew is also associated with Ogham, as the fifth vowel and final letter of the alphabet, Idho.
Following this, we did a cord cutting ritual where we visualised cords between us and at least one other person that we no longer want to carry with us into the future. I ended up visualising different cords between myself and three other people.
The first cord was dark and felt spiky, connected to my Solar Plexus Chakra area, which is the area around the gut, digestive organs and abdomen. This chakra is associated with inner peace, personal power, self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance, as well as trusting and accepting our gut instincts.
The second cord was a dark grey and felt coarse, not spiky but not smooth either. This was connected to my Third Eye Chakra, which is found between the eyebrows. It is associated with wisdom, detachment, discernment, imagination, intuitions, knowledge and trusting in a higher source/power.
The final cord was a dark blue that was almost black. It was connected to my Heart Chakra, which is associated with love, generosity, compassion and forgiveness.
Each of these cords tied me to someone who, I felt, had not helped me along my journey, and I knew I needed to release each of them.
Each cord was visualised individually before being cut, but I felt that these cords needed to be unknotted from within myself and fully released back to the individuals, so that's what I did even though it hurt slightly to do it. It hurt to release the three people as they were people I was close once upon a time.
I had different experiences when I undid each of the cords - one caused me to rock from side to side to fully release it, the second caused a heavy feeling to settle over me, and the third caused me to feel incredibly light (while still feeling heavy from the second cord, which was a very strange feeling coupled together).
You may wonder about how we get that murkier, heavier energy - well, we get it from the people and situations in our daily lives. If someone does something irritates us, we carry that irritated energy around until we clear and ground that energy. If a situation arises that worries us, the same thing occurs.
Releasing people and/or situations and their energy helps to clear our own energy field of that which we no longer need to carry with us into the future.
But what really helped with this ritual was the fact that we did it during the Waning phase of the moon which is the best time for releasing what we no longer need or what no longer serves us.
The timing of this ritual felt right and I can honestly say that I feel better within myself for having done it. I will definitely be doing this ritual again when I feel it is the right time to release more people/energies/situations.
I hope my musings serve to inspire you with your own grounding and clearing practices as well as to further your own learning.
Love and peace to you all!