It's time for the second Full Moon of 2024 and it happens in the sign of Virgo, which is the opposite sign to Pisces. I know I didn't really do anything for the Full Moon in Leo but that's okay because I was still finding my feet with this year.
Virgo is an Earth sign and so brings groundedness to the season of Pisces which is all about watery flow. Virgo is very much a no-nonsense sign that will not allow fantasy, pretend or make-believe, or even the most well-intentioned excuses to be used to hide behind. It asks for nothing but the real truth to be acknowledged at the very least. The groundedness comes from looking at reality and seeing whether life is how you want it to be, and if it's not, then discovering what changes need to be made so life is how you pictured it.
As mentioned before, the Virgo Full Moon always occurs in the season of Pisces so the themes of Pisces are also higlighted at this time. Pisces is all about dreaming, emotions, imagination, and closing life-chapters (it is the last sign of the zodiac before the cycle starts again with Aries).
The combination of Virgo and Pisces energies can be helpful as Pisces energy can assist you with creating endings, giving the ability to dream and vision the future, while Virgo brings the practicality to put plans in place to make those dreams and visions a reality. This is the time to gently scrutinise your life so that you can sort through, find order and make plans for the future. The inner critic, that voice in your head that is always sowing the seeds of doubt through overthinking, has to be released and its influence reduced as much as possible.
Because of this, I found a 4-part reading I could do but as is normal for me, I ended up with seven cards instead. Only one part had a single card for it. Let's have a look at what I need to focus on with this Full Moon.
What have I brought to this full moon to heal?
Hierophant, 9 of Air
The Hierophant is synonymous with a spiritual teacher, whether I am one or I have needed one. Am I committed to learning and being taught if I am the student? If I am the teacher, am I committed to helping others expand their minds? Regardless of whether I know for definite which I am, I need to be committed to daily rituals that are for my highest good so perhaps the message of this card is that I need to heal my commitments.
The 9 of Air would usually be associated with the 9 of Swords but I feel like the suit of Wands is more closely associated with the element of Air. But with this card comes the message that I might need to heal my negative self-talk, and my fears. Perhaps this is something that I have naturally been working towards as we approached this Full Moon in Virgo. I cannot be so hard on myself so I need to heal this and transform it into self-compassion, potential and possibility.
What area of my life needs to be organised?
7 of Fire, 6 of Earth
The 7 of Fire would typically be synonymous with the 7 of Wands but because I personally associate Air with Wands, this card would be the 7 of Swords for me. With this card, the message seems to be that I need to be organised generally in my life; as in, there's no one specific area I need to focus on. Maybe this card is saying that I need to consider my thought processes and my emotional responses to criticism but I'm ot entirely sure about this.
The 6 of Earth would be associated with the 6 of Pentacles within traditional tarot but the antlered deer within this image is more about gratitude for what I currently have. I have been getting more organised within my home (and life generally) so perhaps it's time for me to organise who I want to call family, look through who has been there for me and been supportive.
How can I stay grounded moving forward?
Page of Fire
With this card, I feel like I can stay grounded by finding my purpose, and taking the first step into something new. I am not tied down by anything so I am free to be as adventurous as I want to be. I am free to co-create, with the Divine, a life that is true to my desires.
This card has a lot of energy around new beginnings, particular new ideas and new projects. But I feel like it's also saying that I need to temper any enthusiastic action and adventurousness with being realistic about these projects and ideas.
The Moon in the top right corner could be showing that I need to stay connected to the lunar cycles to stay grounded.
Outcome of this Full Moon in Virgo
4 and 5 of Water
I think it's interesting that both of these cards are consecuative in the suit of Water when this Full Moon occurs during Pisces season. These cards are from the "middle" of the number sequence of cards which I can associate with the Full Moon occurring in the middle of the lunar cycle.
The 4 of Water feels like it's all about stopping and considering what is already in my life. By reviewing what I have, I can bring a greater, or deeper, sense of gratitude for what is present which will amplify the Law of Attraction and bring more of those energies into my life, even if that happens in ways I don't expect. There's very little action happening in this card so being still and reviewing seems a good plan.
The 5 of Water seems to have an energy of sadness and releasing about it. This is another correlation with the Full Mooon phase of the lunar cycle because it's in the next part of the cycle that I could consciously do some releasing work in alignment with this. It's intriguing that I pulled this card here because this was a topic that I discussed with a magickal friend at the beginning of the week. I even mentioned that I wasn't sure if I was ready to release a particular emotional burden because I don't know what would replace it. However, I believe that this card might just be the push from the Universe to do it anyway.
Well, I was not expecting those messages from the Full Moon in Virgo but I welcome it as a nudge to do what needs to be done and because of this, I looked at when would be the best time to do this. Because this has been a deep hurt, I wanted to bring some Scorpio energy to the mix but there's an element of balancing releasing burdens from the past with the present so Libra energy was also needed. Amazingly, the waning cycle passed through both Libra and Scorpio within a week of the Full Moon and this is when I chose to burn the burden that has been highlighted here and been in my thoughts for the last couple of weeks before the Full Moon in Virgo.
I seem to have gotten into the habit of being organised and preparing for what needs to happen, and this was proven by the fact I immediately went in search of a notepad that I received from Witch Casket that could help me to write down what I want to release. I knew this notepad would be helpful by allowing me to envision this burden finally being released.
That's exactly what I did as shown here but I also burned it while the Moon was moving from Libra to Scorpio as it went through the waning part of the cycle. I used a fire-safe dish so that I ould allow the ashes to be blown away, signifying a true release to me.
This was a really interesting Full Moon experience and I hope this will help to inspire you on how you can work with the Moon and her energies, no matter how deep this work will be.
Peace and love to all!!!!