So the last Full Moon was in the sign of Taurus. To me, this is a very home-ly sign, all about being surrounded by comfort within the home. I've lived like a hermit since Spring 2020 and in that time, I've been able to focus on my own home, organising and tidying it and making sure that I'm comfortable with what I've done. The majority of the organising and tidying has all happened within the last year and the last of it is being sorted out since this Full Moon in Taurus.
With all these lunar events, I know that I've been writing about my experiences with Emily Morrison of Wise Woman Witchery through her Diving Deeper membership but this really helps me because I know that I can do the rituals as a participant and not as someone who has to think ahead what to do, what I'll need for it, whether I actually have the things that I want to use and all of the prep that goes into putting a ritual together. Yes, this might sound like I'm being lazy but with everything else I've been doing, it's nice to just be a participant.
So for this particular Full Moon, Emily wanted to focus on holding space for ourselves and not just in the place we live or work, but also in our bodies. Emily had put together a playlist of four songs that encouraged us to move our bodies and just experience how they made us feel. The first made me feel a lot softer within my body as I feel I can be too sharp with it but to me, it was also about having ancient wisdom and music within that needs to be listened to. The second song was all about freedom and releasing ourselves from anything and everything, and it made me feel like my body was releasing all the tension that it had been holding (my shoulders felt particularly tight before the songs were played). The third song made me feel like I was finally at home in my body, like I was always meant to be free and wild, going against the societal "norms" to follow my own path. The final song was all about being resilient but it also spoke to me of being free to be however that may be. My cats assist me with my Craft and they were really attracted to the energy of the final song which was unexpected but really nice to witness. I felt like there was a residual beat flowing through my body after this part of the ritual but also like I was being told to look after my body and my Self more, wich is something that I'm trying to be more conscious of doing.
The rest of the ritual was a card reading with five questions, and, as seems to be the norm for me, I ended up with eight cards in total.
What gifts have I unlocked with movement?
Seven of Spears
With this card, I feel like the message was that I am more willing to go to battle for myself, like I'm more willing to fight to be given the space to be my authentic self. I do feel like I have more solid boundaries that I'm unwilling to allow others to breach because I'm far more capable of pushing them back without any personal qualms about it. I am more willing to give myself and take up the space I need in order to be me.
How can I best integrate these?
Four of Swords
With this card, I feel like the message is to shine the light on my truth, to be authentic to my own truth. I feel like I've been given a new beginning, which is interesting because the suit of Swords is traditionally associated with the element of Air and this is one of the associations of Air. Personally, I associate the suit of Swords with the element of Fire because Swords make me think of passions. But with this card, I also feel like I can integrate my newfound gifts by hsaring my knowledge with others, especially if I know of alternative resources that are still available to them.
How can I most effectively support my body at this time?
The World, Seven of Swords, Ace of Coins
With The World, I feel like the message is that there are abundant opportunities available to me if I am only willing to explore them. I feel like I need to be more openminded about what could work for me and where I can find or discover new allies within my life.
With the Seven of Swords, I feel like the message is that I need to realise that there are more resources available to me than I currently think I have but that I might also be blind to these other resources. I also feel like this card is saying that I have many tools at my disposal that I haven't yet explored the potential of.
With the Ace of Coins, I feel like the message is that there is new growth waiting to happen beneath the surface of my life. That even if certain areas appear to be cracked, this doesn't mean that they are completely broken as this may actually be a hidden opportunity that I can use to grow. I was drawn to the trees and the green soil, and I feel like this is saying that it's time for me to get back into learning about Plant/Green Witchery (something that has fallen by the wayside in recent months).
What energy will bring me the most comfort?
With this card, I feel like the message is that I need to let go of what I don't need and that this course of action will allow me to make room for what I do. As this is the Game of Thrones tarot deck, I also feel like this character, Arya, is saying that I need to release the old version of who I used to be so that I can embrace the new and improved version of me that wants to be set free from the confines of what used to be.
What tools do I have to integrate support and comfort?
Two of Swords, Knight of Swords
With the Two of Swords, I feel like the message is that I already have access to my intuition and instincts, but that I might want to consider not fighting their natural flow within me. I also feel like the message is that I really do need to just trust in my intuition because it will never lead me astray. There is a natural flow to life and truth and this is what I need to surrender to.
With the Knight of Swords, I feel like the message is that I am on a solitary path but this doesn't have to mean that I am without companions, guides or support. I need to embrace staying calm and not panicking as the former will help me to realise the truth while the latter will only hide the truth from me for longer.
What I have noticed since this Full Moon is that Taurus is very much about the home, making sure it's comfortable and organised, and this is exactly what I've been focusing on. I've kept my home tidy for almost a year but recently, I've wanted to declutter and re-organise my home. Using to-do lists, I've done all of the main tasks I've set out to complete and this has left me feeling a lot better about my home which has had a positive impact on my mental health.
I hope this inspires you to work with the energy of the Moon in your own lives, as well as give you ideas on what you can do in the future.
Peace and love to all!!!