This is the first Full Moon since the Total Solar Eclipse and it occurs in the sign of Scorpio which is the opposite sign to Taurus. Since the New Moon, the Sun will move into the sign of Taurus and the Full Moon is (almost) always in the opposite sign to the Sun.
With this being the Full Moon, it's showing that we are halfway through two cycles. I say two cycles because there is the lunar monthly cycle and the yearly cycle. With the monthly lunar cycle, the Full Moon is always the mid-point between two New Moons and can be used to review any short-term goals that are being worked towards. But the yearly cycle is between the New Moons in the same sign so the Full Moon in Scorpio occurs 6 months after the last New Moon in Scorpio (in 2023), and the upcoming New Moon in Scorpio (in 2024).
So looking back on the last couple of weeks, I've been making steady progress getting organised after the Total Solar Eclipse at the New Moon in Aries. It's a recurring intention for me because I want to turn it into a habit that I just do without thinking too deeply about it. However, something that is a new-ish intention is for me to get a better grip on my personal finances and I've been setting this since sometime last year. My finances is a topic that I've had to learn about through my adult life as I was not prepared for this, even in my late teens.
Now I've done my little review, I want to talk about the energy of Scorpio mixed with the Full Moon energy. The Full Moon is seen as the time when there is extra energy to be found, that any hidden challenges or difficulties will be illuminated and brought to our attention. But Scorpio brings a watery, protective and/or defensive energy - however, it all depends on the situation as to which kind it is. Scorpio is a water sign so there are elements of emotions here and combined with the symbol of the scorpion, I'm always reminded of their tail that has the ability to hurt if there's even a possibility of someone hurting it.
So I feel like this Full Moon in Scorpio is all about how we can sometimes take things too far because we're trying to protect ourselves from what we perceive as a threat, even if it might not be one. It's important that we start to consider releasing this trauma response because the Full Moon is illuminating it so that we can do just that.
As is now my habit, I went looking for a spread I could do for this Full Moon in Scorpio and I found one by asaliearthwork that I liked the look of. I chose to use a deck that I have newly acquired, a 1JJ Swiss Tarot deck, which is based on the Marseilles deck and has different imagery to the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith decks.
What in my world has reached its end?
Ace of Cups
With this card, I feel like the message is that I have learned how to stop pouring constantly from my energetic cup so that I don't become burnt out. I've learned how to put up personal boundaries and stand tall while ensuring they are respected.
I've protected my emotions, but how would I know if I've been too defensive while thinking I was being protective? I've only done this much protecting and defending because my past wounds needed healing and I really wanted them to have the best chance to heal properly.
I was finally ready to release these wounds and events of my past so that I could better manage my emotions.
So perhaps the healing is reaching its end at last and I can start to learn how to have meaningful relationships with others. This feels and seems like Shadow Work to me.
What tools are available to help me grieve?
Valet de Denier, Ten of Denier
The Valet de Denier is the equivalent of the Page of Coins/Pentacles so I feel like this card is saying that I have the finances to help me grieve my past. I've learned and now understand that money can and should work for me as much as I work for it. There's nothing stopping me anymore because I've overcome that part of my past.
With the Ten of Denier, this is the Ten of Coins/Pentacles. I feel like this card is saying again that I have the financial resources to be able to grieve the loss of the wounds that I've held onto for so long. I've worked hard to get to this point and so it's time for me to use the fruits of my labours to move towards a better future. I also feel like this card is saying that I deserve to grieve and that's not a bad thing.
What does this release make space for?
Valet de Coupe, Ace of Denier
The Valet de Coupe is the equivalent of the Page of Cups. I feel like this card is saying that this release can make space for learning more about my emotions but in such a way that I can relate to others on a deeper and more meaningful level. I also feel like this card is saying that I can respect my own emotions but that I can still respect the emotions of others at the same time. It's okay for me to be curious about my emotions and what triggers them.
With the Ace of Denier (Coins/Pentacles), I feel like this card is saying that the release is making space for the start of a whole new financial cycle. Yes, with a single coin I could lose it but at the same time, I could also grow and multiply it. It all depends on the decisions and choices I have yet to make. It's a whole new beginning and a brand new cycle that I can maximise now.
What waits for me in the vortex between death and rebirth?
Ten of Coupes
With this card, I feel like the message is that the end of an emotional cycle is waiting for me between death and rebirth. This emotional cycle may be what is coming to an end and restarting after all of the lessons have been learned, as symbolised by the brown leaves coming from the very centre of the card.
This card also seems to be saying that there are two emotional situations or wounds, represented by the two central cups, that still need to be dealt with before I can really approach this Scorpio Vortex. These two cups also feel like they are waiting to either be acknowledged, filled or removed from the greater emotional situation. It's almost like these need to be dealt with before I can pass through the Vortex because they are acting as barriers to what could be in the future.
What seeks deeper expression?
Reine des Épées
This card is the equivalent of the Queen of Swords and I feel like this card is saying that my ability or skill to show that I am prepared to take action needs deeper expression.
I associate the suit of Swords with the element of Fire, rather than the traditional association with Air. So rather than being all about intentions, creativity and inspiration, I feel like this card is connected to passions, and taking action. The Queen is the feminine side of this though so she's all about nurturing passions and taking action, encouraging rather than ordering and demanding like the King.
So I feel like this particular Queen is saying that I need to have a gentler approach when it comes to what I'm passionate about so that I can put the right energy into it.
What roots this desire in mind, body and soul?
Five of Coupes, Le Diable
This desire to be more gentle with what I am passionate about is rooted by my feelings. When I was halfway through this latest emotional cycle, and with the Five of Cups as a companion, is where I discovered that I needed to nurture my emotions, expressing them without allowing them to control my life as they have done in the past. I know that my emotions inform how I respond to situations and that sometimes I can respond in an extreme way.
With Le Diable, this card is the equivalent of The Devil and I feel like this card is saying that the desire to nurture my emotions is because I was kept a prisoner from them and at the same time, I was a prisoner to them. When I was a child, I wasn't allowed to show or express my emotions and had to keep them bottled up (they were imprisoned from me). But at the same time, I have always been an emotional person so not being allowed to express my emotions was only doing me harm, hence I was also a prisoner to them.
What tools are available to help me tend it?
Roi des Épées
This card is the equivalent of the King of Swords and I feel like this card is saying that I have power over my passions. I've learned about my emotions and now it's time for me to master my emotions.
I feel like this card is also showing that I may also need to learn how to be prepared to defend my passions from those who don't know why I'm doing what I do.
I value my passions because they have kept me going through life and while not everyone will understand why I keep my passions, that's okay. Not everyone needs to know my reasons but at the same time, I need to be able to defend my passions etc.
I need to be able to show how prepared I am to defend my passions but this doesn't have to mean that I will always be defensive and this is the tool I need to make the most use of.
Well, that really hit home for me and was a lot deeper than I thought it would be, especially considering that this was the first time using this new deck. But then again, with the Scorpio energy of the this Full Moon, I should have expected a deep reading as Scorpio does like to go a lot deeper than other signs.
I hope this inspires you to consider what you can do at this time for the Scorpio Full Moon as you may be surprised by what comes up for you.
Peace and love to all!!!!