So following the first New Moon of 2024, there had to be a first Full Moon of the year. By the time it happened, the Sun had moved from Capricorn into Aquarius which meant that the Full Moon occurred in the opposite sign to Aquarius: Leo.
Leo is symbolised by the Lion, which in itself is a symbol of strength (it's usually depicted on the Strength tarot card). This zodiac sign is typically seen as filled with dramatic energy that likes to take centre-stage within life. Leo is full of power, rather like when a lion roars because all animals nearby pay attention to what the lion has to say.
Because of this, I looked for a tarot spread that I could do to connect with the energy of this Full Moon and once I found a spread I liked. I decided to use a deck I acquired during August 2023: The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid.
What is my greatest inner strength?
Seven of Earth
In traditional tarot, this card would be the Seven of Pentacles but I'm getting different energies/impressions from it. This card makes me think about autumn, how that time of year is all about slowing down, and how it's a time of change and perhaps this is where my inner strength comes into play: because of everything that has happened in my life, I can adapt to change, sometimes willingly and sometimes not so willingly. I may not always like the change that is happening but that doesn't mean I always have to embrace it. I can walk away from the change but it's all about whether what's changing is going to serve me in the end because if it won't serve me, then it needs to be allowed to leave my life somehow.
How can I step into my own power?
Ten of Water
In traditional tarot, this card would be the Ten of Cups but again, there's something here that's different to the tarot decks I've used previously. With this card, there's a smiling Buddha pictured with a waterfall and to me, this symbolises happiness, serenity and general positive well-being. My emotions may overflow but this is a good thing as bottling up my feelings is never a good idea (a lesson from my past). The Lotus flower buds show that while there is peace and serenity present in my life, there is still work to be done and growth is still possible. There may be challenges ahead but this doesn't mean that I have to allow them to bring me chaos and difficulty; I can just as easily face them with gratitude of what I already have.
What traits can be more celebrated?
Eight of Air
In traditional tarot, this card would be the Eight of Swords. However, I associate Air with the suit of Wands. Regardless, this card looks melancholy but really, the falling feathers are diverting attention to a reflection far below that shows the truth of the situation. I have come to see things as they are and accept them as such, and this is what has allowed me to do so much growth in the last few years. I acknowledge where I have made mistakes and own them because denying them is to deny the truth of my past and who I am. Honesty is always the best policy to me but there's an element of strength here, almost like the truth is what allows me to fly above and be more objective.
Where can I take bigger risks?
Ace of Earth
As with the Seven of Earth, this card would be the Ace of Pentacles in traditional tarot. But in the imagery here, I feel like there's a deeper message connected to Nature, maybe even to a particular deity. I've felt called to a particular deity for some time now and I'm encountering more and more creatures/plants that are associated with Her: Hekate. I really feel like this card is pointing me to really connect with Her, especially since a triskelion is Greek in origin and associated with the "triple goddess" Hekate. It's definitely something I can work on as I've never really worked with a particular god orgoddess before and I feel like I've been working towards having an altar just for Her.
This was certainly interesting as it confirmed that I currently have a "stalker" card at the moment: the Ace of Pentacles has appeared during a variety of readings that I've done for myself but also within a weekly collective reading posted by MyTarotLady that resonated with me.
But this reading also confirmed that Hekate has been trying to get my attention so moving forwards, it's time for me to be aware of Her presence in my life and to work with her as much as I can.
I hope this inspires you about how you can work with the energy of Leo and the Strength tarot card, as well as reading using different tarot decks.
Peace and love to all!!!!