Merry Meet to you Magickal Souls!!!!
It's time to start thinking about the Full Moon in Aquarius which will reach its peak or strongest energy on Monday 19th August 2024. I say peak because there are usually 3 days where we can feel the energy of the Full Moon: the day before, the day of, and the day after.
This Full Moon is occurring during Leo season, or the time the Sun spends in the sign of Leo between 23rd July and 22nd August. Aquarius and Leo are opposites and can quite easily not get along well together but can on occasion get on so well, it baffles others. So when it comes to the Full Moon, it's time to untangle ourselves and make clean breaks so that we can step into the brightest possible future.
Leo is very much a "front and centre stage" kind of energy so don't worry if you feel more strongly about standing up for yourself (and/or others) when it comes to freedom and feeling stifled. Aquarius is the rebel, the free-spirit energy so it's important to wait until after the Full Moon to have conversations around these issues so that we don't end up saying something we don't mean but can't take back.
Balancing these opposite energies is an skill in itself but we can manage it by making the connection between head (Aquarius) and heart (Leo), so that you can live from the heart and feel the emotions too. The Leo energy wants us to shine and live in the spotlight (possibly provided by the Moon herself), while Aquarius energy wants us to think about the bigger picture of community and how we can share our desires with the world.
So the three main areas that could be focused on during this Full Moon are:
Linking our head and heart through a list of life-desires accompanied by real actions we can take to make them truly manifest in the world.
Making a clean break of things by writing another list of life-areas that we feel stagnant in, held back or stifled.
Preparing for change by making a third list of any small changes we can make to bring about a bigger change to harness the freedom-loving Aquarius energy
So let's think about the world we want to live in and how it can be brought into being. I created a spread just for this Full Moon in Aquarius which I will use to do a collective reading using the Good Tarot deck by Colette Baron-Reid.
What does our ideal world look like?
3 of Air
This card is filled with couples, love and empathy, but there's also peace and calm here.
This card seems to embody how we want our ideal world to feel like: supportive but full of freedom and the ability to express our emotions without offending anyone because everyone cares and accepts us without any kind of judgement against us.
How we experience the world is different for each of us but in our ideal world, we would have the space as individuals to spend time alone or in the company of others. Others would care and check on us just to make sure we were okay because they would have nothing but love and respect for us all.
What actions can we take to make that ideal real?
7 of Air & 10 of Water
With the 7 of Air, we are surrounded by different birds but none are scared of us. Perhaps this is what we need to do with the different people we will encounter as we move through our lives. Acceptance is only half of the equation though because respect needs to be there as well. Without respect, no one will ever want to approach us to spend time in our company. Different people will have different experiences and so one way of showing respect is to accept their experiences by listening and learning from them.
Fostering peace and love seems to be the first step we can take towards our ideal world because peace is promoted with the 10 of Water as Buddha sits happily enjoying the moment, knowing that there will still be suffering afterwards. Buddha is the embodiment of peace, acceptance and non-attachment to material possessions, and has plenty of teachings that could still be applied to our modern lives. One of the 10 Life Lessons from Buddha is to release feelings of hate, resentment and fear - three things that seem to be prominent in today's society. This particular lesson seems to be important as it truly embodies the kind of ideal world we would like to live in.
What areas of our lives do we need a clean break from?
9 of Fire
With this card, the energy is very much of focusing on material possessions. Perhaps we need to stop putting so much importance on the physical belongings we have.
At the end of our lives, our material possessions can cause drama and stress in the lives of our families, and can even end up in love turning to hate. Yes, we're encouraged to have a written will that cannot be argued against but it can cause more damage than healing for those we leave behind.
Having material possessions can give us feelings of stability but we shouldn't believe them to be completely reliable.
What will this clean break make room for in our lives?
The Emperor is full of Divine Masculine energy: the provider or bread-winner, the leader, and the defender.
But while considering this card, Leo energy is in abundance; as the Lion demands attention and respect, so too can we (although much more gently) if we are willing to release the things that no longer serve our highest good.
This card comes to say that we can be the Lion in our own lives if we allow the clean break. We can become the provider, leader and defender. But with these responsibilities, we can also find wisdom in the ability to tell the difference between a battles we don't need.
It seems like this Full Moon in Aquarius will be rather powerful and full of revelations of how we can move forward and make the world a better place not just for ourselves but for everyone. While we want to be centre stage, sometimes the most important characters are the supporting ones.
I hope this has inspired you and if you'd like a personal look at this Full Moon, my diary and inbox are open.
Peace and love to all!!!!