Merry Meet and Welcome to you magickal souls!!!!
It's the end of this series and I must say that I've really enjoyed learning about the different Chakras and thinking about what has happened in recent years to help me work on them.
Seeing as I've gone over all of the individual Chakras, I thought I'd use my Chakra Wisdom cards that I got as part of a set called "The Power of Chakras" as well as a Crystals Deck from a box-set called "The Crystal Healing Box". Both we bought by myself a couple of years ago from a UK shop called The Works.
This is a sort-of reading as each Chakra Wisdom card has the Chakra, a theme and then an affirmation on them, with some affirmations shorter and others longer. I wanted to couple these with a crystal card that is different to some of the decks I have already used in other posts, and chose to pull a crystal card after the Chakra Wisdom one.
Root/Base Chakra Affirmation
I have always been more self-sufficient than dependent so this wasn't entirely unexpected, however it is something that I can be proud of and still work towards.
Everything in my home is mine and no one else can lay claim to it at any time. I have what I want in my home and while sorting out furniture is a "work-in-progress", loving and enjoying my home are thing that I am working towards.
I always have what I need, and I prioritise my bills and debts before treating myself to anything. I know the difference between a want and a need, like the furniture situation is not a need because I have things that I can use in the meantime that aren't about to fall apart.
I no longer doubt that what I need will come to me, as it has done so many times in the past. However, I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
Root/Base Chakra Crystal
I love crystals as much as anyone else because who doesn't like a "pretty coloured rock"? Aventurine is among my personal crystal collection so I can easily grab a piece or some chips for my Chakra work.
While on the card, it says that Aventurine is associated with the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras, I can easily use it for any other Chakra because of its metaphysical properties.
So the aspects of tranquility and positive can be associated with my Root Chakra because I associate Self-Sufficiency with positivity when it is done right. I am at peace with how I personally am Self-Sufficient so, to me, there's no doubt of the connection between Crystal and Chakra.
Sacral Chakra
This may seem like too much personal information but I am happily single and I don't feel like I need a partner to share my life, home or even my bed with. The act of sex isn't a need for me. In fact, sitting and considering this card has actually helped me to realise something about who I am: that I am asexual.
But now, I can truly honour this part of me and stop feeling like there's something wrong with me when I haven't fully been in the moment in the past.
I've had plenty of people ask me why I haven't had an encounter in the last few years and my response has always been: "Because I don't need it and it's not a necessity within my life."
Realising my sexuality has given me freedom and positivity about myself, something that I never thought was ever going to happen for me.
Sacral Chakra Crystal
Obsidian is among my particularly favourite crystals and I love all the pieces of this that I have, especially my big black raw piece that has a polished side and sits on a shelf in my home.
I have used this crystal as part of cord-cutting rituals because of its purging properties.
However I haven't used it for grounding but I would like an Obsidian mirror (a flat piece that I can prop up on a stand for divination use.
I think I can use the grounding aspect with this particular Chakra because I am becoming more grounded within myself as I discover and piece together more aspects of who I am. To be fair, this could also be me purging myself of who I used to be.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The Warrior
With this card, I feel like it's a reminder as well as encouragement of how I deal with most (but not all) situations that occur in my life.
I know I've had to be strong to overcome the challenges I've faced, and that I need to continue this as I move into the future.
I am trying to be an empowered person as I learn about myself but this is something that I struggle with most. I hope to unfold my full potential but that's as much as I can do right now.
With my consciousness, I would prefer to all this my awareness just because it feels better. Again, I hope that I am growing as I face each challenge thrown at me and that this continues as the future becomes the present.
The final thing I hope is true with this is that I never lose the Warrior within because I always want to be able to fight.
Solar Plexus Chakra Crystal
I have always associated this crystal with all that is feminine so to pair this together with The Warrior aspect of the Solar Plexus doesn't feel quite right.
However, I can make sense of the pairing when adding a maternal energy into the mix. Any mother animal is likely to have a tendency to fight fiercely when their offspring are threatened, let alone actually attacked. Centuries ago, it wasn't unusual for a women to be a warrior and/or a shield-maiden.
Perhaps this sense of being a warrior can make sense of the emotional balancing, as the warriror sets aside her worries for the home and family in favour of "bigger" emotions. This is something I need to do so I can fight to heal from my past.
Heart Chakra
Radiate Warmth and Sincerity
This is something I know I need to work on because I don't communicate very much due to childhood experiences.
I have worked towards being grateful for the present moment because that all I know with any certainty that I have. I can't change the past and no one really knows what will happen in the future so I do my best to focus on the present.
I like to smile and I will smile at anything and anyone, from flowers that are starting to open to a young child just having fun.
I don't like to rescue people because I know and understand that we all have our own lessons to learn as we go through life but I will happily share my experiences to inspire and guide others.
I have meaningful relationships that I don't want to lose and I can be contacted in an emergency but I know that others have their own lives which I respect.
Heart Chakra Crystal
This crystal is one of my many birthstones but at the present moment, I don't have this in my collection, not even as a piece of jewellery. However, I feel like I may need to acquire this in some form.
However, I rather like how it looks in this card, looking like fresh blood that is pumped around the body by the Heart.
Perhaps this crystal comes to alert me to needing to energise some of my relationships because I might have focused elsewhere too much and for too long.
When I get excited or experience a "big" emotion, I know that my heartrate gets accelerated so perhaps I need to find a way to do something similar to my friendships so that they keep giving and receiving love.
Throat Chakra
Setting Boundaries
I know I have boundaries and that some of them are long-lasting while are some are less permanent but I know that each one that I have is part of how I respect and love myself. However, they also form a part of my own protection.
I recognise the power that comes from being true to myself, saying "yes" to things when I want to do them and "no" when I don't. Anyone who would try to force me to do something after I have said "no" is not someone I want to keep in my life.
I know that I cannot please everyone in this world and it is not wort trying to so I might as well please myself and ignore anyone who would try to control me and my life.
Perhaps speaking up for myself is something I need to do more of as I can struggle with this, prefering to go quiet and walk away over verbal communication.
Throat Chakra Crystal
I'm not sure if I have this in my personal collection but even if I don't, I can always use this card (or any other that has this crystal on it) in its place.
It's interesting that I might not be so good at communicating with my friends and Amazonite is associated with being chatty. I do worry that my lack of communication is offputting for the relationships I already have in my life and that this can make me come across as not caring or too detached but I genuinely doforget to respond sometimes. There have been times when I don't know what to say so I don't say anything or I change the subject.
So perhaps this crystal comes to sooth and calm my worries so that I can communicate better and more effectively.
Third Eye Chakra
Inner Knowing
I have learned to trust my inner knowing, which some may know better as "intuition" or claircognisance (clear knowing). The sense of peace that I experience through trusting my intuition is amazing but scary at the same time because I'm not trusting in a tangible, logical kind of thing.
Being still and silent is something I try to do when I'm practicing divination, especially with runes and Ogham staves as I use my fingers to tell me which one answers my question or holds wisdom.
I am open to listening to my gut feelings but I know that I need to work on not overriding them with logic.
Contemplation is a theme for my right now as I am undergoing some Shadow Work. Meditation is something that I do but I think I do it more often than I think I do, as I do it while doing the washing up or cross-stitching as my mind is on autopilot.
Third Eye Chakra Crystal
This crystal is intriguing to me but that might be because of a book called The Ruby in the Smoke by Philip Pullman. That particular story has stuck with me since my childhood due to its Victorian mystery and how one gem, a Ruby incidentally, was soaked in historical blood but yet was still an object of ultimate desire to some people.
However, the crystal itself is associated with balance which could be further encouragement of not overriding my intuitive messages with logic and worry.
The idea of being/feeling secure could be a nod to my feeling scared of my intuition at times. It could also be connected to how I don't always trust my intuition and how I need to build up a sense of trust.
Crown Chakra
One with All
I must admit that I don't always feel the divine force flowing through me but I do know that it flows through everyone and everything.
I know and am content that I am part of this world alongside all other creatures. This isn't something that I spend time meditating on or contemplating with a purpose. It is merely something that I know and believe in.
Something I used to say to others was: "we are divine souls having a human experience to learn things we wouldn't be able to otherwise." I still hold this as truth within myself.
Everything in life is a choice but I can only make choices for myself, even though they are likely to have an effect on others. However, I do try to ensure those responses are as helpful to me as possible because they are connected to my life.
Crown Chakra Crystal
Red Jasper
I will admit that this is a crystal that always makes me smile and gives me courage.
However, with this crystal being energising, maybe I should focus on how I can work with Red Jasper to feel and be part of the energy that flows through everything so that I can more easily feel the divine force as it flows through me.
Perhaps this crystal comes to help me to realise that I already have the practical skills needed to feel the flow of the divine force and that I just need to use those skills more to hone them.
Red Jasper could be appearing to me right now to show that I can be courageous with this and trust that I am still connected to the divine flow of energy.
It seems as if every Chakra is connected to the Shadow Work that I am currently undertaking but then again, I shouldn't be surprised as these energy centres are all connected anyway and feed into how I react to the present based on what happened in my past.
This was a really interesting project for me to do, even if it did span a couple of years. I hope it as inspired you to connect with your own Chakras to see what you might need to work on and what crystal(s) might be useful as a helping tool for you. If you'd like some assistance with this, my diary and inbox are open.
Peace and love to all!!!!