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Another Full Moon in Capricorn?!

Writer's picture: AmethystRunewitchAmethystRunewitch

So it's almost time for the next Full Moon and it will be in Capricorn BUT didn't we already have a Full Moon in Capricorn last month? Well, we get a second go at it because that Full Moon was right at the beginning of the sign and this one is near the end of it. This is also possible due to the number of days in a year versus the length of a lunar month multiplied by 12 (365 days versus 354 days for 12 lunar months) so every few years, we get 13 Full Moon and 13 New Moons.

Anyway, this Full Moon in Capricorn has the same energy as last month's but it's more amplified. It's quite literally the Universe's way of getting us to review our lives. We're six months into the calendar year and a very good time to look back on the Resolutions made at New Year's.

As well as looking back, it's a good idea to look forward at where you want to be in 6 months, 12 months and even further into the future. There's nothing that says you can't have long-term goals as long as they are realistic. Be open to the idea that anything not meant for your path and/or does not serve your highest good will fall away.

If the first Full Moon in Capricorn was an emotional time, it's going to be even more emotional as the energies have been amplified. You'll want to feel safe, protected, nurtured and loved because of the feminine, Mother-archetype energy of Cancer. Capricorn brings some Father-archetype energy, with practicality, taking action, and making your purpose real within your life.

So how is this Full Moon likely to impact us as a collective? Well, I borrowed from a spread by Noble Lion Prints and decided to use the Everyday Witch Oracle deck by Deborah Blake to get us all prepared for when the Full Moon reaches peak energy around 20th/21st July (time-zone dependent).

What limitations have we been facing?

Meditation to Dig Deep & Rebirth and Reinvention

Digging Deeper can mean anything as it doesn't have to relate to gardening and planting seeds/ideas at the right depth so the roots become a stable foundation. It can mean finding the last vestiges of energy within us to put into a project, or looking within for some Shadow Work that has been internalised. This card feels like we're being told to stop listening to anyone who puts us down, chips away at our self-belief and confidence. At the same time, there's a feeling that we'll never be alone when we do choose to Dig Deep because we'll have some kind of support system around us.

With Rebirth and Reinvention, the feeling is that we've not been able to change, evolve and transform as we move through our lives. Someone or something has been acting as an obstacle sitting in our way, blocking us from seeing the truth that will allow us to shed what no longer serves us. Change is a part of life, shown most easily with the seasons and how no two are the same from one year to the next - Summer 2022 was really hot while 2023 wasn't as warm and this year, it's different again. There's also the knowledge that change looks different for each of us so we need to cleanse ourselves of this idea that Rebirth and Reinvention is "one-size-fits-all".

What is the blessing after this lesson?

Earth Magic

This card seems to say that if we can Dig Deeper, experience a Rebirth and Reinvent ourselves, then we can become more grounded within the reality that is our lives.

There's also a feeling that we'll be able to connect with the element of Earth, growing plants, using herbs within our Crafts, and/or discover how to connect with the power of crystals - especially since they come from the Earth and can be used as a representative on an Elemental Altar.

The energy of this card suggests that we'll be blessed with the realisation of the power of Mindfulness, the practice of being present in each moment as it happens.

What chains in our lives need breaking at this time?

Follow Your Dreams

Something has been keeping us prisoners of a tower that we desire to leave but we've somehow clung to the belief that we are unworthy, unable or undeserving of the freedom of Following (Y)Our Dreams.

We have all the tools we need to allow our dreams to inform the direction we take through life whenever possible.

Are we unworthy of achieving our dreams? NO! Are we truly unable to take the practical steps towards our dreams? NO! Are we really undeserving of following the direction of our dreams? NO! So we shouldn't let anyone else get inside our heads to try to stop us from being so successful - especially if our dreams don't align with those of others.

How are we helping ourselves to succeed right now?

Imagine and Envision & Meditation for Creativity

With Imagine and Envision, we can help ourselves by allowing our imagination to think up as many "castles in the sky" (dreams that could be unrealistic or impossible) as it can, because some of those dreams will have elements that can be made real and manifest in our physical lives. But just because some of our dreams aren't achievable, it doesn't mean we can't still use them as inspiration for our lives. Nor does it mean that we can't dream just because some of what we come up with isn't possible or realistic. Dreams are what keep us filled with hope throughout our lives.

With Meditation for Creativity, we can help ourselves to succeed by using our dreams, the things our imagination comes up with, to fuel our ability to create and make things real. There's nothing stopping us from creating the life that we want to live - apart from ourselves and our thoughts. As much as we can create, so too can we destroy. It doesn't matter what we create or how, just that we use the natural inspiration that we have around us - animals, plants, artwork that other people have made. We are the weavers of our own lives, our own paths, and our minds are capable of so much, if we only set this Creativity free.

Please let me know that I'm not the only one who feels like they've just been called out by this because that hits deep for me personally. We can place so much importance on the opinions of others that we lose sight of what it is that we ourselves want and desire. Rediscovering who we are and what we want is way more important than what others want for our lives. Provided we are happy, that should be all that matters in the eyes of others.

I hope this was insightful for us as a collective, because those cards really went deep. If you feel that you need a more personal look at how this Full Moon in Capricorn can impact you, my diary is open.

Peace and love to all!!!!

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